【0908】for Scani_3 of 3
Since I’ve already arrived in Tainan, Taiwan, I took every chance and every minute to try the dishes. And, it’s a wedding that Scani and Kenny, the new-wed couple, prepared for all the guests who attend on 08 Sep 2013. Share the 2nd half of the table with you by the photos I took, and, just 5 persons sat in the same table to share all dishes, fruit and dessert.
To be honest, the dishes are so delicious andreally cannot eat them all. I am there to see the new-wed couple, but, how canI take my eyes off the table. ^__^ Also, three cute and young ladies came toshare the red wine for all the guests, they are full- dress-up, walk slowly andsmile to every one during the wedding time. The new family and all the guestsshall feel so great with the wine girls and the band on the stage.
Obviously, Scani had organized her wedding party pretty good. She also prepared sweet candy for the kids who came, the gift for the adults also prepared. Just told, the band sponsored by Yienshui district manager, who lead the district Yienshui in Tainan, Taiwan.
What a great day that I ‘ve been there on 08Sep 2013.
↑ P1040293.jpg A part of the table and the menu that served for the wedding, it looks so great.
↑ P1040320.jpg A dish that cooked a fish with green onion, ^__^
↑ P1040321.jpg 龍蝦與蔘鬚 紅棗 甘草等中藥材的冷盤料理, 忍不住用中文來說: 太好吃了!
↑ P1040322.jpg A part of the table, we just 5 persons to share all this, we are Scani's friends, the best one.
(照片中鍋具上的黑爐裡, 燉煮著一隻烏骨雞 藥材與蘭弗, 可能太美味, 五個人就幾乎分食這一盅湯品了. 我們都是Scani的好友, 且是最好的好友!)
↑ P1040337.jpg Fried rice with pork, this one is quit delicious and I took this home.
↑ P1040336.jpg ohh, this fruit tower looks so beautiful and it's really delicious.
Also, there's a sweet soup came the same time. So, the lady sat next table took it home before I took a shot.
For Scani
è 非常溫馨感動的婚宴, 新娘美麗大方而且規畫周詳完全像Party的宴客, 道道佳餚醇酒 令賓客沉醉且回味不已~~ 賓客們對婚禮與婚宴都讚不絕口, 主廚 菜色 冷飲冰品 樂隊 主持人與紅酒女郎都是一時之選, 收到的小禮物更是愛不釋手(讚+灑花+跳舞).
è 幾度阿季也是淚水在眼眶轉阿轉, 想著10多年前的ㄚ頭, 我等這天就這麼久惹~~ ^__^
è 於是...從看到上傳婚紗照 我收到喜帖與喜餅時, 眼淚一次次就流下來嚕~~ ^__^
然後...看她父親將她的手交給新郎時, 我又哭了~~ 現在 還是很感動於昨天的. 祝福Kenny and Scani 幸福美滿 甜甜蜜蜜 生男生女都好 雙胞胎更好!
喜宴地點是: 台南市新營中興路31巷4號 台糖新營廠 餐廳,
由洪廚喜宴負責料理, 樂隊是鹽水區區長贊助的, 賓客已是冠蓋雲集,
婚禮的女主持人嬌俏可愛, 三位紅酒女郎身著晚禮服, 體面正式.
每桌服務的各式冰沙飲品, 讚不絕口了....
※音樂係下載自Xuite影音網, I love you baby by Frank Sinatra,
free download via Xuite.com.tw