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2013-09-09 17:16:07| 人氣2,683| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【0908】for Scani_2 of 3

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0908for Scani_2 of 3
The photos that Scani's family members (or friends) took as underneath:

And, I'm supposed that's a part of the photos they took. Also, prepared a
video on youtube shall be upload later~

↑ for Scani_08 Sep 2013.jpg  Scani's friend took for the wedding. 

↑ for Scani 02_08 Sep 2013.jpg Scani's friend took for the wedding, the new-wed couple took the
best wishes from the guests on the stage.

↑ for Scani 03_08 Sep 2013.jpg Scani's friend took for the wedding.
(照片中的是賴清德市長, 大駕光臨參加喜宴並在台上簡短致詞, 本人相當帥氣有風度.)

↑ for Scani 04_08 Sep 2013.jpg Scani's mother, she's so beautiful.

↑ Scani Love.jpg  

↑ Scani Love 01.jpg 

↑ Scani Love 02.jpg

↑ Scani Love 03.jpg

音樂係下載自Xuite影音網, (純音樂)王菲-我願意(水晶音樂)

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