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2013-09-09 16:45:54| 人氣1,378| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【0908】for Scani_1 of 3

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0908for Scani_1 of 3

Scani, who is a little girl lives in Tainan,Taiwan. I met her in Winnipeg, MB CANADA on February 2002. It looks like asunny smile always on her face, especially when the jokes I told her was notthat funny every so often. And, I always thought she is a young lady justgrow-up and say goodbye to her teen age at that time in Canada.


I went to see her in Tainan, Taiwan about 5 for6years ago. Scani is a bright and beautiful lady, she also drove me to arestaurant for lunch that day. She’s so confident about her driving skills, safe andreliable. She is helping her family’s business in international trade, when shefinished her study program in Winnipeg and back to Tainan, Taiwan.


It is so interesting to keep in touch withScani by MSN or by phone. Great ideas always came out from her mind, and it’sfun time to share the photos she uploaded on facebook. I once guessed she mayget married with the groom Kenny on earlier February 2013, that’s why I kept intouch with her to update the way about her life.


And then, kept share the photos for herprewedding and I've got the wedding invitation card on August 2013, together with asweet cookie box via post mail. At that moment, my tears fallen and it’stouching, I treat her in my heart like my little daughter.


08 September (Sunday) 2013, can’t tell you howlong I’ve been wait for Scani’s wedding. So many her family members and herfriends came to Hsinying, Tainan, Taiwan to attend the wedding for Scani andKenny. Kenny always smile and keep looking at Scani, the photos I took aboutthe new-wed couple as underneath:


Also, the other photos that Scani's friends made shall be on the nest blog; the dishes that new-wed couple preparedfor the guests shall be on next 2nd blog.

↑ 1174520.jpg Scani's wedding invitation and a cookie box, photos took by Scani's friend.

↑ P1040292.jpg  New-wed couple's photo and the enterance of the restaurant. 

↑ P1040293.jpg  part of the table that new-wed couple prepared for the guests. 

↑ P1040299.jpg Mr. Lai, who is the person managed Tainan, attended the wedding and made a speech on the stage for the new-wed couple.

↑ P1040303.jpg Girls to lead the new family, and play songs for the guests.

↑ P1040307.jpg The bride, Scani entered with her father and took the best wishes from all the guests.

↑ P1040312.jpg Scani's father took the bride's hand to the groom, Kenny. 

↑ P1040331jpg The new family cheers with each tables and took the best wishes from all the guests.


↑ P1040335jpg The new family cheers with each tables and took the best wishes from all the guests.

↑ P1040328jpg The new family cheers with each tables and took the best wishes from all the guests.

音樂係下載自Xuite影音網, 王菲 - 我願意 (鋼琴版純音樂)

台長: WitchVera
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此分類下一篇:【0908】for Scani_2 of 3

2013-09-09 16:51:08
謝謝小洋子, 確實很開心. 不但賓客已是冠蓋雲集, 上台都致詞簡短; 新娘的朋友個個亮眼美麗, 女方主婚人更是焦點之一; 樂隊 女主持人, 紅酒女郎與冰品服務員 都是一時之選, 新營的洪廚喜宴負責的各式菜餚與甜點, 更是讓賓客盡賞佳餚了~~ 台南的料理 名不虛傳!

對了, 就把找到了的洪廚囍宴聯絡資料附在這則留言下方, 當作是感謝的行銷, 佳餚美味精緻又衛生:
電話: 06 6223925
行動: 0932 715 143
主廚: 洪俊男
2013-09-14 14:15:54
2013-09-11 03:59:30
應該超過60桌吧?! 在台糖新營廠的餐廳裡舉辦喜宴, 賓客冠蓋雲集 有親切帥氣的賴市長, 貴賓上台都只簡短致詞, 委員也是逐桌握手或敬酒, 相當給主人家面子了.

以前握在手心的稚嫩寶貝 即將出閣, 更可以在現場感受的女方主婚人的滿滿愛意, 而新郎始終笑笑地看著Scani, 眼光也一直停在Scani身上, 兩個人一路早來的心意 不用掩飾了...阿季看在眼裡 感動也在心裡!

2013-09-11 13:07:14
2013-09-15 13:15:00
謝謝雷爸的祝福一份 我會轉達~

這對新人今日完婚, 剛在網路上收取現場照片與文字轉播, 甚為感動, 想像十數年前在我懷裡暖暖的一抱 還有幾次同遊 或是她出差從CKS走 我卻沒趕上送機....很多瑣碎的小小事 竟一個個彈跳出來~~ 希望小妹偕同夫婿早日有寶寶且安排時間來讓我看看呢!
2013-09-15 15:35:19
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