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2013-01-27 22:15:07| 人氣2,427| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【Trip-Thailand】Rus and Soi wedding Part V

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 What I saw in ThongTa resort, BKK, Thailand on 15 Jan 2013.

↑   What I saw near Grand Inn Come Hotel in BKK, Thailand on 19 Jan 2013.

What I saw in Grand Inn Come Hotel, BKK, Thailand on 19 Jan 2013. Which is a painting on the wall, it's so Thai-stytle~


It’s a view look outside from the window in a room of ThongTa resort, BKK Thailand on 15 Jan 2013.

Part of the meal that Yui took me to in Khon Kaen, Thailand on 15 Jan 2013.

Part of the meal that Yui took me to in Khon Kaen, Thailand on 15 Jan 2013.


Part of the meal that Yui took me to in Khon Kaen, Thailand on 15 Jan 2013.

↑ The breakfast that Yui took me to in Khon Kaen, Thailand on 16 Jan 2013, the herbal tea is so tasty. Just add some extra ice and all fo them are so specail, splendid and yummy~

Do you think it’s really beautiful just like I feel? Beautiful sunshine, fresh air and nice people in KhonKaen, Thailand.


It’s a city could grow in economy and full-filled potential actually. They are so nice because they are so pious religions – Buddha. Once you saw the way they pray, they bowl and they kneel. Thai really worth to have 40% ups in business.



↑ Mr. Boy, Mr. Jim and Mr. Tom they were so concentrated their attention on stage that night. It’s a secret that, I’d like to say a key though, make the wedding success, sweet and unforgettable. Contact with Jimphony in Khon Kaen,Thailand~~


BTW, this black-white photo actually took by the cameraman-TrustFocus and I copy it via Rus FB. What a steal!


Here's one photo I like to most, anyone can see this sweet couple from this view. Photo took by Nut Khon Kaen Super Bike, I just took it via Rus's FB. How lovely they are!


【Trip-Thailand】Thai imagines: Thanks to those friends I even don't know them before, they come to join Rus & Soi's wedding from differenct citis, different countries. Some of them share a couple days, or maybe just one meal with me in KhonKaen, they don't actually know me. Especially thanks to Yui who be there with me severial days, took me to nice places, morning market, night market and share lux meals with me. Her boss is a general person, indeed. 

It's prettty nice to be young~~

 Music: Tell me when you love, free download via Xuite.com.tw

台長: WitchVera
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好糗~~ 兩個半小時裡面處理頁面2.5次, 真不知是眼花手ㄆ一ㄚˇ 還是怎的?

祝福這對新人 子孫滿堂 白首偕老 永結同心~
得心自在 福慧自在 吉祥如意 大展鴻圖
--WitchVera @ PCHome 2013/2/22
2013-02-22 13:12:50
好喜歡背景音樂的這首歌唷~~ 應該也是有點年份了!

想想周圍的台北的年輕朋友們 衝動下結婚又離婚, 往往只是同一年間的事, 很讓版僕難過!! 許教授也說 有些還在訂桌就分了....也是啦~ 所以許夫人問我 為什麼就不跟這樣的年輕朋友們連絡了呢? 我也說不上來, 因為交往 訂親 結婚我都親眼看著, 可吵架 分手時 我還得聽著 或看著? 我勸, 誰有再聽? 我心疼, 誰有想過呢?

所以 看著陳校長伉儷 許教授伉儷 還有邱傑伉儷, 肯定清楚我的明白~~
2013-03-26 07:01:52

2013-02-22 19:15:37
謝謝教授不但來訪 贈言 還增添人氣唷~~

請不忘繼續寫作 提供後輩們學習的環境~~

祝福 得心自在
2013-03-26 07:07:13
還謝謝在當地看到嘟嘟車(Tuk Tuk)
以為消失在都市計畫的古早計程車 還在街上看到
不過Rus安排了吉普車接送, 沒機會搭乘看看~~

許多不見得價值 也在泰國朋友們身上看到~~
在北台灣的版僕 希望他們 吉祥平安 得心自在
2013-02-27 13:20:02
no chance to take Tuk Tuk this time, and Nok took me back from KhonKaen to BKK. They don't even know me but show me so many different places and beautiful roads. I don't have their address to send them a card and saying 'thank you'.

Many imagines are different from 20years ago that I could remember about Thailand, even they don't actually change a lot though.
2013-03-26 06:40:06
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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