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2013-09-29 19:05:15
2013-01-01 13:33:50
2012-01-21 22:12:40
2021-02-04 16:30:56


Walked more than six KM in the morning today, tired. And, keep going on to read '巨頭的詛咒' & 'Portraits of courage' late today. 0204 走讀巷弄 無論紅黃藍白橘灰黑都不過是建警交工複合體然而國債6....

2021-02-04 13:09:33


Already followed his books and poets a while since I started read with 杜文賢老師.really like to share with 丁威仁 丁威仁 ──和 鄭慧如 及其他 9 人。 昨天上午8:55· ...

2021-02-03 13:57:48


Just found a new boat already made which has 優雅船身與造型 via facebook of Syaman Rapongan #夏曼藍波安 the other day. It's an hornor to read his books and his facebook, indeed. And, share what he wro...

2021-02-02 19:31:31


Just found them talked about a newly found #柴山多杯孔珊瑚 that almost has 1M living group at Datan, Taoyuan Taiwan (Datan G2 area), which may be a new record.Film:https://www.facebook.com/Taoyuanalga...

2021-02-02 12:59:32


【0131&0201走讀巷弄】 It's really fake to me and took this photo @中壢中壢公園 in the evening yesterday. Happy to get some books, and took one "Seriously....I'm kidding by Ellen Degeneres" sat ...

2021-02-01 13:09:32


Could not find out "菩提相思經" but read several times "胭脂淚" since three years ago #林央敏老師作品集, which is a published that my beloved daddy asked to read. Perhaps we could have time to chat wi...

2021-02-01 12:42:53


Still has 6 or 8 KM to walk today, already made 10 something KM from start point #中壢三教紫雲宮。And, no one come or ask anything, but only shared what I,ve took. A bit tired and breahth no good thou...

2021-02-01 12:30:51


通知舊雨新知如下: 桃園光影電影館 Taoyuan Arts Cinema 1月27日下午11:43· 2021二月主題影展:台片大爆炸 ▐ 電子版手冊下載:https://reurl.cc/4y3VW...

2021-01-30 11:04:58


司法獨立陷兩難 法官能跟富人為友嗎? 2021-01-28 03:38聯合報 / 陳鋕雄/陽明交通大學科技法律研究所所長(竹縣竹北)(網摘)法官若不能跟有錢人作朋友,可以跟誰作朋友?廿七本「百官行述」筆記被查獲一年多後,...

2021-01-30 10:57:02


We do not actually have NOW and future, because future is come around, right here. Here's a film and a article that I would like to share, still waiting for his new publisehed book though. Share: W...

2021-01-30 10:22:20

【黑星珊瑚】Oulastrea crispata

Not yet finished the article that DR Jauwen Chan gave me the other day, but I've found a new one now. There's a place that profit center want, local goverment is willing to give ( and already gave), p...

2021-01-30 10:12:54


其實申訴陳情上到監察院也是按在桌上壓著還不知道要多久然而來自公部門的拆/趕/綁/打銬/威逼/不當處分都不過是一天裡的幾分鐘或幾小時百姓鄉親們說的都是中文公部門始終聽不進去不倫無理強暴才是王道 位於中壢市中山...

2021-01-29 12:41:50


已經向多位議員與立委陳情申訴無用! 1月23日下午6:21 · It's been eight more years that my family was ruined in Taoyuan. Wash, abuse, bullying, ransom, break-in, forged document, the government...

2021-01-25 10:16:54


口罩三則/圖文:Rafeal Hsu _閱後 溫度高且炎熱飆汗 陽光露臉厚愛 風和樹葉持續對話 電桿上任意招貼仍舊 街道散落棄置垃圾瓶罐加上 各色各型各樣口罩 透明 擋了細菌 遮了嘴臉 自然變化讓兩足動物更顯...

2021-01-25 10:13:12


超過百幅的作品搶先欣賞了(撰寫採訪資料中) 活動預告 馬祖新村的胡伯伯月底(Jan 30 2021下午)會在光影一樓送春聯,數量有限,送完為止哦!估計百份數量 時間|110.01.30 (六) 13:00 - 17:00(送完為止) 地點|...

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