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2013-09-29 19:05:15
2013-01-01 13:33:50
2012-01-21 22:12:40
2021-01-08 15:40:13


A good location and place that you could come and enjoy all the painting they share on/before 25 Jan 2021. Elegant and full filled with joyful around. Opening hour is 9th Jan (Sat) 14:00. See you tomo...

2021-01-07 16:49:15


Really good to have his reply after I translated, think about it a couple days already. Like what he wrote very much.#楊子澗老師的精彩圖文分享且迅速回文讓我炫耀起來 楊子澗 1月2日下午5:...

2021-01-07 16:45:15


Several pieces I use to write for somethingand now,wordless 2020年12月29日下午2:35· #分享劍鞘透寒光何如笑靨桃花相映紅 <青春> 文: Vera 望著火...

2021-01-06 10:00:59


Just found a comic book, dark tower by Stephen king and know there’s a bunch of book related, kinda series.It’s very interesting to get one book that published #民國67年(year 1978), well w...

2021-01-05 18:45:53

0523 隨便當方便

【隨便當方便】 那台挑高白色房車硬是要擠進這幾個摩托車位且驅趕我這台單車,走下來資深、中年、嫩青三代幾位,毫不抱歉羞赧! 盡管記下車號,然而香客近午拜廟參香,橫七豎八擺自己愛車,可停車場不過數公...

2021-01-05 14:47:16

1219 採訪魏德聖導演順利

Had been to there that night in Taipei on Sep 3rd 2016....really really cool. First time to know something about #魏德聖導演 from young persons who wait.....在樓梯間等演唱會耶!日前也真的經過等候達成訪...

2021-01-05 14:35:54


Kinda like to share something he wrote the other day and I translted as underneath, Share: 陳克華 道別 陳克華 我們來到這個世界 原只是來道別的 沒想就因此留下來了 因為這麼多人要告別 你想要每一個...

2021-01-02 19:15:30


Thank you so much for being with me today. Jan012021走讀巷弄 為觀新藻礁健走 w/ Chiechin Peng Carry those food that aunt gave me last night and walked in the morning today. Enjoy those stones ...

2020-12-31 14:22:16

1月影展 ── 不只是歌舞

You could have joy and fun if you join them on January 2021. Share:桃園光影電影館 Taoyuan Arts Cinema 12月26日下午10:44· ▐ 1月影展 ── 不只是歌舞...

2020-12-31 14:10:25

1229 & 1230走讀巷弄

He gave us a record that we had a cold day in Taiwan yesterday, here's a latest update. Really cold to walk home after the sutras last night. Two days efforts that we joined, hope the land, the w...

2020-12-31 12:46:05


Read what Dr. Jauwen Chan post and what they comments on facebook, such a nice share. I'm supposed there's nothing further we could do for our alga reefs in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Jauwen Chan ...

2020-12-30 13:31:03

成為靜物_文: 阿布

Already read this article so many times, but you know....it's quite different from what I've been thru about in Taoyuan since year 2016. And I'm supposed it's a distance that we could trace to....on y...

2020-12-29 15:23:31


還是在上週跑去北市金石堂信義店陪偶像座談會感懷傷感具有質感但真是哭慘了哩~ Dear 陳爸爸: Rain or tears? Shall walked fast for another two more hours after book sharing in Taipei, Taiwan last n...

2020-12-29 15:18:24

1224~1225 走讀巷弄_內湖士林陽明山新北投淡水

上個星期三天做了許多傻事和不認識的台東朋友共遊還讓他們請客相約下回台東見但還是沒有成功健走全程且沒有談好合適的案子給中壢街友們~ 殘念! Vera Pon 昨天上午9:39· ...

2020-12-29 14:40:38


就很喜歡讀許教授的書和文字如果您也同樣喜歡一起來讀讀最新的分享文教授的學生們肯定也是好幾把刷子的厲害呢! 許進雄 昨天上午8:42· 昨天還有一個喜,到現在...

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