24h購物| | PChome| 登入
2013-09-29 19:05:15
2013-01-01 13:33:50
2012-01-21 22:12:40
2021-02-26 10:13:33


Actually Pete told me yesterday that we do not want to tell you about just write it down here. Even I really do not know whay it's a fever to get into cherry blossom around the world. Feb 26 2021#發現...

2021-02-24 14:05:34


Just heard this last week and found a formal notice hours ago. Looking forward to having update. 看過大約超過800電影與300部以上紀錄片和短片 整個補回過去每天工作超過17個小時的空缺 且採訪到...

2021-02-22 15:29:27


陳律政衡 2月17日下午5:37· #村民大會 #坤輿掩埋場爭議 -- 摘: 苗栗縣造橋鄉坤輿事業廢棄物掩埋場,雖然91年已經獲得設置許可,但多年來歷經收賄弊案加上聯外道路問...

2021-02-19 13:49:24

【0216 為桃園藻礁健走】

【0216 為桃園藻礁健走】 00哥哥00夫人 大家者, 濟弱扶傾? 攻訐且集體撻伐了家族血緣姓氏? 今何若? 心心念念訴請為苦人失其土地權益還遭公部門持續輾壓的清洗野蠻行徑 何曾來一文一字聲援過? 社會底層來...

2021-02-19 13:48:25


Chiechin Peng 2月9日下午6:43· <淌水與樹> 算春日, 溪流淌水 風吹樹影搖動 樹葉與風對話 吹走棄置瓶罐垃圾 經過的我, 不再低頭彎腰撿拾 那夜色, 終會...

2021-02-19 13:47:29


Do not remember that's 0214, and read this article yesterday and the day before yesterday. So, took it and show you around. You could visit #我的偶像楊風教授pchome anytime to get more. Actually I read...

2021-02-19 13:24:20


Already got informaiton about this movie going to see it tonight. 桃園光影電影館 Taoyuan Arts Cinema 16 小時· 明晚放映|自由入場|台片大爆...

2021-02-17 13:20:29


Met up some visitors to trace birds around this river and they do not speak Chinese at all. That's why we discuss about the birds they've found and I amy not know how to name it in English, so I took ...

2021-02-17 13:10:28


Woa....really good to have Dr Jauwen Chan share photos and article with us the othe day. Jauwen Chan 2月13日上午10:38· 啥米!大潭藻礁發現蝦蛄啦!中研院生多中心...

2021-02-17 12:59:05


Really enjoy this movie with all the others. 桃園光影電影館 Taoyuan Arts Cinema 17 小時· 明晚放映|自由入場|問瓊瑤-----情為何物 #年假結束眼神死...

2021-02-09 15:30:07


日前追蹤這個小城鎮的水患但國內沒有相關報導連結於是我自己就寫一個來留紀錄吧! 昨天上午1:13·法國馬爾芒德· 大水退了,一些樹倒了,供人憩息的木屋掀開...

2021-02-09 13:45:05

02.06(六)19:00 《熱情如火--李宜珊導演專題》

留分紀錄寫上星期的活動與座談短片在本地與海外其實市場 通路 與票房都少有可期待之處然而看過影片與參與映後 經歷過長年的不順利仍推出劇本與影片且 影片內容優良演員逼真畫面感動人心 參與到映後座談提問和分...

2021-02-09 13:24:29

【藻礁公投 YOLO 倒數20天 衝刺30萬】行動劇暨記者會

Not yet to have any article to read about an outdoor activity in the morning today. Just share a film right here, they worked on to save alga reefs in Taoyuan, Taiwan and we signed for alga reefs.Ever...

2021-02-09 13:01:43

展示魔女森林Majyo no mori手作飾品

Found her new uploaded and one pair of new disign that 魔女森林Majyo no mori手作 made, and actually I've got one pair last Saturday. Share with a young girl I know.可以追蹤其fb留意作品或者下單安排付款...

2021-02-04 16:41:03

Modern Art Gallery | 現代畫廊

oh~ they are going to have an exhibation on Mar 20 (Sat) 2021 in Taipei, check this out~ 邱秀堂 在王澤個展——好時光在眼前!( Good Times Ahead!)—2021相簿中新增了4 張相片&mda...

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