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Oral Communication: Proficient in conducting daily conversations, including topics such as transportation, work, cooking, and dining culture.

Listening Comprehension: Capable of understanding main information related to transportation, work, cooking, dining culture, and preferences.

Reading Comprehension: Able to read and comprehend Chinese texts and understand short passages.

Writing Skills: Can write short texts and express oneself using everyday language.

Cultural Understanding: Familiar with Chinese cultural etiquette, customs, and better equipped to adapt and engage in interactive communication.






Knowledge: Understand the content and application of basic Chinese.

Skills: Through exercises in basic Chinese texts, practice listening, speaking, and writing, familiarize oneself with the grammar and practical application of Chinese content.

Emotions: Cultivate students' self-discipline and self-responsibility, encourage active participation in class activities, develop communication, coordination, self-solving, teamwork skills, and achieve effective learning spirit.



Didactic method, Sharestart method, Problem-based learning, Cooperative Learning

週次         內容    

1      課綱與考核方式——評分方式、學習態度、出缺席、教學方式

                Syllabus and Assessment Methods - Grading methods, learning attitudes, attendance, teaching methods.

        第一課  請問,到師大怎麼走?(學習單)


Lesson 1: How do I get to National Taiwan Normal University?

Teaching Objectives: Using Chinese to ask for directions, explain locations and directions, and perform two actions simultaneously. Describing sensory experiences.

2       第二課  還是坐捷運吧!(學習單)


Lesson 2: Let's take the MRT!

Inquiring about transportation options based on purpose. Choosing transportation based on conditions, learning preferred modes of transportation, and expressing compromise and suggestions.

3       第三課  你的中文進步了!(學習單)


Lesson 3: Your Chinese has improved!

Expressing past experiences, reflecting on language learning experiences, sharing views on language learning. Describing daily schedules and holiday activities.

4       第四課  我打工,我教法文 (L4學習單)


Lesson 4: I work, and I teach French.

Discussing educational and work background in Chinese. Describing job responsibilities, salary, and terms related to specialized technical fields.

5       第五課  吃喜酒


Lesson 5: Attending a wedding banquet

Understanding traditional Taiwanese weddings, describing the appearance and attire of wedding attendees. Introducing others and offering blessings in Chinese.

6       第六課  我打算搬到學校附近


Lesson 6: I plan to move near the school.

Discussing topics related to living environments in Chinese, talking about renting accommodations, and using directional phrases to describe the movement of objects.

7       第七課  垃圾車來了!


Lesson 7: The garbage truck is here!

Expressing opinions on new things in Chinese, recognizing cultural differences, suggesting in Chinese, and predicting possible outcomes. Using directional verbs.

8       第八課  學功夫


Lesson 8: Learning Kung Fu

Explaining personal preferences in Chinese, inviting in Chinese, expressing acceptance or polite refusal of invitations. Expressing perceptions and action tendencies.

9       期中考   Midterm Exam.

10      第九課  那個城市好漂亮


Lesson 9: That city is so beautiful!

Comparing differences between two places in Chinese, describing observations during travels, expressing understanding of different cultures, narrating memorable experiences or encounters.

11      第十課  歡迎到我家來包餃子


Lesson 10: Welcome to my house to make dumplings.

Describing cooking steps and ingredients in Chinese, introducing traditional dishes from one's own country. Expressing unexpected feelings.

12      第十一課  台灣好玩的地方真多


Lesson 11: There are so many fun places in Taiwan.

Discussing travel plans in Chinese, talking about the geographical environment and location of scenic areas, describing the unique aspects of landscapes. Expressing satisfaction and disappointment.

13      第十二課  怎麼吃才健康?


Lesson 12: How to eat healthily?

Discussing dietary habits and culture in Chinese, talking about the pros and cons of events, advising on healthy eating. Describing the taste or preparation of different foods.

14      第十三課  我的手機掉了


Lesson 13: I lost my phone.

Expressing complaints in Chinese, understanding the frequency of events, using Chinese to express and understand commands.

15      第十四課  我要開始找工作了


Lesson 14: I'm going to start looking for a job.

Discussing one's learning and lifestyle in Chinese, future plans, career planning, and expectations. Sharing educational background and future plans.

16      第十五課  過春節


Lesson 15: Celebrating Chinese New Year.

Conversing with visitors in Chinese and expressing welcome. Discussing traditional New Year foods and activities. Understanding auspicious phrases and making inferences about the cause of an event.

17      復習

18      期末考   final exam


當代中文課程課本2,鄧守信主編: 國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心,台北:聯經,2022/6

Designated Textbook: "Contemporary Chinese Coursebook 2," edited by Deng Shouxin. National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Teaching Center, Taipei: Linking Publishing, June 2022.

當代中文課程. 2-1~2-3, 作業&漢字簿,作//譯者:主編:鄧守信,著者:王慧娟,孫懿芬,劉崇仁,2022/03


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