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        中文        勞作教育與服務學習

        英文        Labor Education and Service Learning


中文        透過實際的勞作體驗和服務學習,培養學生的實踐能力、社會責任感以及對社區的關心;反思其在人文社會的價值與影響。

        英文    Through practical labor experiences and service learning, cultivate students' practical skills, social responsibility, and a sense of community involvement; reflect on their values and impact in the humanities and society.







Knowledge: Understand the definition, significance, and value of labor service, and explore different types of labor service methods.

Skills: Through physical labor, reflect on and evaluate their learning and growth during the labor service process, while also generating influence.

Attitudes: Foster students' sense of responsibility for labor and self, as well as social responsibility. Encourage active participation in activities, develop communication, coordination, self-solving, and teamwork skills, and realize effective labor spirit.


Didactic method, Sharestart method, Problem-based learning, Cooperative Learning

週次         內容 (中英文)

1      課綱與考核方式——評分方式、學習態度、出缺席、教學方式、

   Syllabus and Assessment Methods - Grading methods, learning attitudes, attendance, teaching methods.

       # 學會整理,就學會喜歡自己—讀近藤麻理


作業提案單:九宮格           A、?(主題在中間)   B、自我提案

2      探討勞作教育和服務學習的重要性和意義。正向人生觀:勞動與懶惰等。

  Explore the importance and significance of labor education and service learning. Positive outlook on life: Labor vs. Laziness, etc.

      # 讀紀伯崙《先知》第五章論勞動

                          # 第二週紀伯崙《先知》學習單—參考答案(略)

                            # 徐舜彥、黃苓嵐著《品格教育與服務學習》(09正向人生觀,略)

3      選擇參與適合自己的勞作服務機會,不同類型的勞作服務機構和領域。正向人生觀:抉擇與付出。

Syllabus and Assessment Methods - Grading methods, learning attitudes, attendance, teaching methods.Choose suitable labor service opportunities for oneself, different types of labor service organizations and fields. Positive outlook on life: Choices and Contributions.

     # 徐舜彥、黃苓嵐著《品格教育與服務學習》09正向人生觀

# 第三週 紀伯崙《先知‧自知》

      #勞作提案單報告說明:九宮格  (陳秀玲示範說明)


4      中秋節(放假)  Mid-Autumn Festival (Holiday).


5      引導學生執行服務項目,並進行反思。正向人生觀:自我認同與社會責任。

Guide students in executing service projects and engage in reflection. Positive outlook on life: Self-identity and Social Responsibility.

    # 徐舜彥、黃苓嵐著《品格教育與服務學習》(05自我認同學習單)略



6      勞作服務學習對個人成長的影響。正向人生觀:倦怠社會的無聊與積極觀察。

The impact of labor service learning on personal growth. Positive outlook on life: Overcoming Social Boredom and Observing Actively.

     # 徐舜彥、黃苓嵐著《品格教育與服務學習》略


                #導讀《紀伯崙》 □論友誼   論痛苦                    

7      勞作服務學習對個人成長的影響。正向人生觀:倦怠社會的躺平與行動反思。

The impact of labor service learning on personal growth. Positive outlook on life: Overcoming Social Apathy and Reflecting on Action.

     #徐舜彥、黃苓嵐著《品格教育與服務學習》:愛與付出 (


                 #導讀《紀伯崙》論教育          婚姻與孩子

8      勞作服務學習對個人成長的影響。正向人生觀:個案分析討論。

The impact of labor service learning on personal growth. Positive outlook on life: Case Analysis and Discussion.

           #徐舜彥、黃苓嵐著《品格教育與服務學習》:愛與付出 ()


9       期中考  Midterm Exam.

10    服務學習價值,如何通過服務來回饋社會。兼談服務業的關聯。

The value of service learning and how to give back to society through service. Discussion on the relevance of the service industry.




11    服務學習價值,如何通過服務來回饋社會。兼談服務業的發展。

The value of service learning and how to give back to society through service. Discussion on the development of the service industry.

             #勞作教育與  服務業            #導讀《紀伯崙》言談

                      #如何寫勞作提案反思                             #欣廁所女神歌曲

12    服務學習價值,如何通過服務來回饋社會。兼談服務業的案例分析。

The value of service learning and how to give back to society through service. Discussion of case studies in the service industry.




13    服務學習價值,拓寬自己的視野。服務業的法令規章與競爭力。

The value of service learning: Broadening one's horizons. Legal regulations and competitiveness in the service industry.


14    服務學習價值,增加自己的溝通與適應力。服務業的有形與無形的競爭力。

The value of service learning: Enhancing communication and adaptability. Tangible and intangible competitiveness in the service industry.



15    服務學習價值,增進社會善的能量。服務的產業與主觀評量。

The value of service learning: Enhancing the energy of societal goodwill. The industry of service and subjective assessment.

 #紀伯倫「先知」論「罪與罰」延伸:小說電影 「罪與罰」、  「紙(信)

16    學生分享在課程中的收獲和成長。

Students share their gains and growth during the course.

  #紀伯倫「先知」論理性與熱情  延伸:電影「理性與感性」


17    綜合回顧感想和改進建議

Comprehensive review, reflections, and improvement suggestions.


18     期末考 final exam

        筆試   *大補帖複習


方式         期中成績:30%、期末成績:30%、平時成績:40%

Midterm: 30% Final: 30% Performance in Class: 40%


修課應注意事項    必取2學分的信心、確實到課、專注聽課、參與討論


指定書目        《品格教育與服務學習》,徐舜彥、黃苓嵐著,台北新文京,2018




Marie Kondos Kurashi at Home: How to Organize Your Space and Achieve Your Ideal Life,近藤麻理惠,譯者:甘鎮隴,台北:方智,2023/01/01

《服務:學習的本質:問題、解答與啟示》,作者: Barbara Jacoby,譯者: 劉若蘭, 郭瑋芸, 邱佳慧, 王美鴻, 劉芳, 邱筱琪,台北:學富文化。2018/12/07


《先知》,紀伯崙,譯者:譯者: 趙永芬,台北野人2018/05/30


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