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聽歌學英文:Rainy days and mondays - The Carpenters

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Rainy days and mondays - The Carpenters

Talking to myself and feeling old 喃喃自語,覺得自己老了
Sometimes I'd like to quit 有時好想放棄
Nothing ever seems to fit 做啥都不對勁
Hanging around 無所是事
Nothing to do but frown 成天皺眉
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down 雨天和星期一, 我總是很悶 

What I've got they used to call the blues 我得了所謂的 " 憂鬱 "
Nothing is really wrong 沒大問題
Feeling like I don't belong 只是無歸屬感
Walking around  Some kind of lonely clown 四處遊走 像個寂寞小丑
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down 雨天和星期一,我總是很悶 

Funny but it seems I always wind up here with you 有趣啊,最後總跟你到此結束
Nice to know somebody loves me 知道有人愛我,真好
Funny but it seems that it's the only thing to do 好笑的是,我唯一該做的是
Run and find the one who loves me 快找出愛我的人 

What I feel has come and gone before 這感覺 總是來來去去
No need to talk it out 不足為外人道
We know what it's all about 我們心知肚明 

Hanging around 無所是事
Nothing to do but frown 成天皺眉
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down 雨天和星期一,我總是很悶 




一、seem (動詞), 簡單的說分成四種用法:

1. 人+ seem + adj. -->ex. She seemed angry. (她似乎是生氣的。)

2. seem + like + 名詞 -->ex. The bread seems like a stone. (那個麵包看似一塊石頭。)

3. seem + to 原V ; seem not to + 原 V

-->ex1. He seems to be happy. (他似乎很快樂。)

-->ex2. He seems not to be happy. (他似乎不快樂。)

4. It seems that + 子句.

-->ex1. It seems that he is happy. (看樣子似乎他很快樂。)

-->ex2. It seems that he is not happy. (看樣子似乎他不快樂。)

二、would like to vs. feel like


“ would like ”和“ feel like ”都有“想要”之意,但它們的含義和用法又有不同,下面談談它們的差異。

@“ would like ”意為“想要”,其語氣比用 like 婉轉些。具體用法如下:

1. 後面接名詞或代詞,表示“具體要”某樣東西。例如:

  I'd like two sweaters for my daughters. ( JB III, L59 )


  Would you like one of these mooncakes? ( JB II, L10 )(你想要一塊這樣的月餅嗎?)

  2. 後面接動詞不定式,表示“願望,喜愛”,常用於有禮貌地提出邀請、請求或建議。例如:

  I would like to drop maths. ( JB III, L12 )(我想放棄數學。)

  Would you like to come to supper? ( JB II, L21 )


  3. 當主語是第一人稱時, would 可與 should 換用,它們都可以縮寫為 'd ,並且 like 也可換成 love .例如:

  I'm sure he would love to come. ( JB II, L69 )(我確信他願意來。)

  I should like the red one. (我想要紅色的。)

  4. “ would like(轉載自中國教育文摘http://www.edUzhai.net,請保留此標記。) ”後面可以用動詞不定式作賓語補足語。例如:

  What would you like me to do? ( JB II, L45 )


  I'd like you to meet my parents, too. ( JB II, L9 )(我想要你也見見我的父母。)

  二 . “ feel like ”意為“感到想要”。具體用法如下:

  1. 後面接名詞代詞或動詞- ing 形式,表示“想要”某物或“想要做”某事。例如:

  I feel like a drink. (我想要點飲料。)

  I don't feel like eating. ( JB III, L87 )


  2. “ feel like ”還有“感到像……,摸起來像……”的意思。例如:

  They made me feel like one of the family. (他們使我感到我像是這個家庭中的一個成員。)

  This feels like silk. (這東西摸上去像是絲綢。)

  3. “ It feels like …”句式可用來表示天氣、時間等,意為“好像要……,似乎是……”。例如:

  It feels like rain. (天好像要下雨。)

  It feels like tea time. (好像到用茶的時候了。)

  It feels like spring. (似乎是春天了。)

台長: 97年一個嶄新的自我
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