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2013-04-29 10:19:56

微软中国官网启动Surface Pro行货预订 价钱未知

2013年03月05日15:38 [导读]微软正式发布Surface Pro自2013年3月末起将陆续登陆中国、澳大利亚、法国、德国、中国香港、新西兰跟英国。 中国官网订购页面 腾讯数码讯 (赵阳)3月5日消息,跟着上周传出在3月份微...

2013-04-29 10:08:16

What the American Medical Association hopes you never learn

To most Americans, the concept of "nonprofit" goes hand-in-hand with trust. If a person or an agency isn't driven by money, they seem more likely to be trustworthy and unbiased. They should have the p...

2013-04-28 14:25:59


2013年03月15日22:06 [导读]行业人士指出,就像上传手机里面的通讯录,实际上是在互联网上默认的一个潜规矩。 (乐天)3月15日新闻,跟着智能手机日益遍及,移动互联网上网保险已成为越来越受关注的问题。央视31...

2013-04-28 14:08:55


2013年03月09日07:41 [导读]黑莓有大约五分之一的营收来自于美国市场,这家公司正指望Z10能使其品牌恢复吸引力,赞助其抵御以苹果iPhone为首的竞争对手。 传AT&T将从3月22日开端销售黑莓Z10 (瑞雪)北京时间3月...

2013-04-28 13:36:46

More natural cloudy apple juice higher in antioxidants tha

Cloudy, less processed apple juice contains up to four times the antioxidants found in highly processed, clear apple juice, according to a new Polish study appearing in the Journal of the Science of F...

2013-04-28 13:15:28

Heat wave destroys vegetable crop; warning of things to come

Europe's uncharacteristically hot summer may be causing more than sunburns, as the Association of European Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industries (EFVPI) warns that the heat is maturing produce fas...

2013-04-27 20:05:39

Facebook走雅虎老路 缺少翻新或重蹈覆辙

2013年03月14日14:22 [导读]过去几年间,Facebook太过关注雕琢过去的产品,而不是再一次为其用户改变世界。 (迭影)北京时光3月14日新闻,据国外科技网站报道,人不知鬼不觉已经9岁了。从在哈佛大学里出生至今,...

2013-04-27 20:04:17


2013年03月02日08:11 [导读]面对私人航天机构提出的2018飞掠火星方案,NASA称将在未来二十至三十年内实现宇航员登陆小行星和火星。 腾讯讯(Everett/编译)据国外媒体报道,美国宇航局的将来深空任务仍然将以火星...

2013-04-27 20:02:30

Body odor can be eliminated through a change in diet 12815 T

This article touches on a subject that's quite sensitive to many people: body odor. Here, we explore the link between the foods you choose to consume and the odor produced by your body (there is a dir...

2013-04-27 20:01:58

A Holistic Approach to Treating the Symptoms

There is often confusion surrounding the difference between two conditions known as diverticulosis and diverticulitis. I'm going to explain the difference and reveal how to treat the symptoms of diver...

2013-04-27 19:59:48

Breast cancer screening harms ten women for every one it hel

A new study by researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Centre in Denmark found that mammograms may harm ten times as many women as they help. The researchers examined the benefits and negative effects o...

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