Let's jump to the chase of what's really happening: U.S. drug companies dispatch researchers to Africa to find medicine men who know all about the healing properties of plants. The researchers then steal this knowledge and take it back to the U.S., where drug companies work to isolate the active chemical compounds in the plants, apply for patent protection, and then gain FDA approval to Shenzhen escort services sell them as drugs.
These pharmaceutical companies then mark up the drugs by 3,000% or more, run full page ads to get consumers interested, and attempt to influence doctors with free trips and gifts to get them to prescribe these drugs. Simultaneously, the FDA blocks consumers from buying the drugs from Canada or Mexico and shuts down all Internet sites offering the drug at a cheaper price, ensuring high profits for U.S. drug companies.
This, friends, is called a racket. And U.S. pharmaceutical companies have perfected it. In reality, the healing properties of the original plant, known for thousands of years by the African tribesmen (or South American tribesmen, or Australian aboriginees, or pick whatever region you like), are freely available to everyone who is willing to seek out the knowledge of herbs and holistic medicine.
There's a long list of healing plants known to medicine men and women around the world. Graviola is one of them: a powerul anti-cancer rainforest herb. It has been shown to be 10,000 times more powerful than chemotherapy in shrinking tumors, with virtually no side effects.
Hoodia gordonii is another such herb: this one comes from the deserts of South Africa. It turns off appetite, causing people to lose weight without really trying. You simply don't want to eat anymore. As a treatment for obesity in the United States, this plant hold tremendous promise.
Chlorella is yet another miracle-class plant that freely offers a long list of healing benefits to anyone who eats it. Chlorella is one of my favorite superfoods, in fact, and I eat some every day.
Nature doesn't charge for patents, you see. A plant is a chemical factory that converts sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into healing agents, freely available to everyone. It is a crime that U.S. pharmaceutical companies seek to steal these formulas from nature, pay nothing to the African tribesmen, hide the original source of the medicine from consumers, and then sell the exact same chemical to people at prices so exorbitant they can only be called criminal.
It is an injustice of such scope that it can only be rightly called a crime against humanity.
What we need is a complete reform of the entire system. We need to use plants, not drugs, as healing agents, and we need to honor the knowledge of the wise healers in Africa, Peru, Australia and a hundred other places that most Shenzhen escorts girls people have never heard of. We need to have plant farms, not drug factories, and make these healing plants available to consumers at a reasonable price (say, 40% profit, not 4000%).
What we need is nothing less than a revolution in medicine.