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面對愛欲的智慧~ 關於性、愛與能量

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[93.7.6] 面對愛欲的智慧~ 關於性、愛與能量

最近訂閱了 “大師輕鬆讀”,每週可以瀏覽一本著作的主要內容,對於平日無法 K 太硬太厚的書的鮪魚來講也相當不錯(夏日週末 K 古龍武俠小說配冰可樂是鮪魚獨門消暑秘方)。本期 no. 84 介紹 “Think & Grow Rich” 這本書,中間有一章提到 Sex Transmutation,提到性欲、愛及能量的問題,這個議題最近引起鮪魚一些興趣。鮪魚除了最近看了 “愛的十一分鐘”之外,一方面想起曾在奧修的書中看到類似的論調,另一方面又好像看到剛出傳記的柯林頓總統之所以偉大的原因 ^^ (見下文 “…當性慾的力量受到愛意慢火錘鍊,人們才有辦法藉由神智與理性的引導達到偉大成就。此時若再加入一點風流韻事,一個原本平凡無奇的人,幾乎都可以獲致天才般的力量。…”) 更有趣的是這樣的論調可能給中年男子們某些活動一些自我合理的空間~~

以下附上鮪魚剪下來的一小篇吳若權的文章,及兩本書一些片段的介紹,多少跟這個問題有關。而愛的十一分鐘許多章節也有不錯的看法,可惜鮪魚沒時間一一摘要啦。議題是這樣的: 在 “Think & Grow Rich” 關於潛意識的章節中,作者列出正面與負面情緒~

正面情緒: 欲望,信心,愛,性,熱忱,浪漫,希望
負面情緒: 恐懼,妒忌,仇恨,報復,貪婪,迷信,憤怒

其實作者在 Sex Transmutation 一節中提到性欲中隱含強大力量,而且如果獲得適當的轉化可讓人提升到 “天才的境界”;然後在下一章潛意識中提到上述正負面情緒,但可能鮪魚讀的是書摘的關係,其實似乎沒有看到作者對 “如何轉化” 能量有更深入的描述。

有經驗的人應該會體驗到,在轉化愛意與性慾的力量過程中,最大的挑戰必然是如何留下正面情緒(欲望,信心,愛,性,熱忱,浪漫,希望),而去除負面情緒 (恐懼,妒忌,仇恨,報復,貪婪,憤怒)。 要能做到這一點並不容易,許多中年/ 成功人士都有許多機會面對不同的欲望,愛,性,浪漫;但可能都缺乏醒覺、警覺,及理論基礎,以致於不但未能釋放正面情緒所隱含的力量,反而為負面情緒(恐懼,妒忌,仇恨,報復,貪婪,迷信,憤怒) 所迷惑,並帶來更多生活上的困擾。除非如道士般隱居山林,否則具備一顆清澄的心,卻也必然於生活的各層面面對各種問題與煩惱。如何能夠有一很邏輯性的理論架構解決這個問題,鮪魚覺得答案可能還是隱藏在 “出世” 再 “入世” 的智慧中。 (see “談入世之道”)

~ 附錄 ~

93.6.26 吳若權, 蘋果日報-幸福人哈啦]
付出, 也是一種乞討. 尤其, 在愛情的世界裡, 沒有真正慷慨的人.
如果付出得毫無目的, 完全不求回報, 那樣的感情層次有點太高, 彷彿只有親情或宗教才辦得到.
談戀愛的時候, 永無止境的付出, 正好相對地投射非常不安的內在. 散盡千金只換得伊人回眸一笑, 乞討的不就是對方肯定的愛.
在對別人付出的過程, 看到自己內在的索求, 很痛苦, 卻是讓自己成長必需的智慧.

[Think & Grow Rich]
Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.68 x 6.90 x 4.24
Publisher: Ballantine Books; Reissue edition (November 1, 1990)
ISBN: 0449214923
Average Customer Review: Based on 223 reviews. Write a review.
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 605

[from 大師輕鬆讀 no. 84- Think & Grow Rich]
Chap 13





The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
Transmutation means to change one form of energy into another. Sex transmutation means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of another nature.

Sex desire is the strongest of all human desires – therefore, it can be the strongest of all motivational forces. When harnessed, this motivating force unleashes powerful creative forces, keenness of imagination, courage, will power, persistence and creative ability.

The pages of history are full of great leaders whose achievements can be traced directly to the influence of their wives who aroused the creative faculties of their minds. The history of the future will doubtless be filled with the achievements of women, inspired by their husbands.

However, mere possession of this energy is not sufficient. The energy must be transmuted or transferred from a desire for physical contact into some other form of desire and action before it will lift a person to the status of a genius.

The world is ruled, and the destiny of civilization determined, not by reason but by feelings. The creative faculties of the mind are set into action by emotion. All other stimulants combined are not as powerful as the driving power of sex.

Seldom does anyone enter a highly creative period of their lives until they reach the age of forty. The most successful people in history have by and large been aged between forty and fifty. This is due to the fact that generally speaking between the age of thirty and forty men begin to learn the art of sex transmutation. When the emotion of love tempers the power of the emotion of sex, people become capable of great achievement guided by sanity and reason. When romance is added to the mix, an otherwise ordinary person can almost be lifted to the power of a genius.

The emotions of love, romance and sex are the sides of the eternal triangle of achievement building genius. Man’s greatest motivating force is his desire to please women. In fact, this inherent desire of men to please women gives women the power to make or break a man. Men, who may be giants with indomitable will-power when dealing with other men, are easily managed by the women of their choice.

Onze Minutos

[from www.books.com.tw]
初版日期:2004 年 04 月 06 日
類別: 文學 總論
叢書系列: 藍小說系列
普級 / 繁體中文
單色印刷 / 平裝 / 248頁 / 直排

愛的十一分鐘探討的是”必需性”,探討人類如何行使自由,試圖找出人類對性的觀感。我構思這本書許多年,考慮該如何細膩描述這個主題,最後我終於在日內瓦遇到一位妓女,我們花了三天討論有性無愛的人生到底是什麼模樣,如何享受世俗的性愛,然後讓它成為神聖的性愛。    --保羅‧科爾賀談《愛的十一分鐘》


這本書的書名有著向前輩作家 Irving Wallace 的 Seven Minutes 致敬的函意,Seven Minutes 是七○年代處理的藝術與色情爭議的一部作品,著重於美國因著對性的保守,引發對出版、藝術創作的扼殺,而保羅科爾賀則在他的新作《愛的十一分鐘》(Onze Minutos)中以一個妓女夢想著跟一般女孩得到一樣的幸福為故事主軸,藉著性來思索愛的深刻,並反過來以愛的眼光重新接受性。


保羅.科爾賀 Paulo Coelho,1947 年生於巴西里約,他在紛亂的年代以清新的故事擄獲人心,代表作《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》,影響讀者心靈一輩子的現代經典。作品已被譯成54種語言,發行全球150多個國家,銷量突破 5100 萬冊。

《Eleven Minutes》是他最新作品,繼《魔鬼與普里姆小姐》、《薇若妮卡想不開》,保羅.科爾賀,再次深刻描寫「真愛與激情.夢想與生命」,這是一本「愛」的小說,也是一本「人性」探究之書。

台長: 鮪魚
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2007-09-12 15:17:07
恩... 不知道要如何回應~^^&quot
2007-09-13 19:11:58
Daniel Ng
Gary, i give one thumb up to you to recommended such a good book and i want to give two thumbs up to Glory for his superb superb fantastic reply....wow! two of you are CHAMPION lah...
2007-11-01 13:20:56
i`ll make sure glory see your remarks ^^
2007-11-11 10:48:08
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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