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徹底親近爵士樂  就在台北!




今年來自美國的三位知名音樂家,正代表了美國爵士樂多元的面向:來自美國西岸的鋼琴家約翰畢斯理(John Beasley)不僅身為Freddie Hubbard、John Patittuci等爵士大師之專屬鋼琴手與鍵盤手,更於好萊塢電影圈參與海底總動員、瓦力等片之配樂工作;而出身中西部的長號名家約翰歐瑞(John Allred),除擔綱過所有知名爵士大樂團如卡內基廳、秋吉敏子等特約演奏家,本身更專精於紐奧良(迪西蘭)爵士之風格指導;來自東岸的薩克斯風手約翰若寇(John Ruocco),深獲大西洋兩岸之爵士樂壇敬重,演奏與教學歷練無人能出其右。此外三位來自比利時的爵士名家們也都是一家之言:歌手大衛林克斯(David Linx)目前於歐陸樂壇極其活躍,本身亦為擅長啟發音樂家潛能的音樂院教授;小號手與大樂團指揮伯特裘瑞斯(Bert Joris)演奏風格涵蓋自主流爵士、大樂團及電音爵士等,為歐洲最優秀之爵士小號演奏家之一;貝斯手巴特迪諾夫(Bart De Nolf)除了持續與諸多爵士大師的合作巡迴錄音計畫外,優異的演奏功力也使得國內愛樂者再度引頸期待。義大利裔的鼓手米米費德拉梅(Mimi Verderame)於爵士演奏中所呈現的爆發力與華麗語彙,將是聽者無與倫比的震撼!德國最優秀的爵士吉他手姚阿辛荀內克(Joachim Schoenecker),早已獲歐美爵士樂壇肯定,這也將是他的首度台灣行;至於每屆國際爵士營最熱鬧的拉丁風格呈現,則將繼續交由來自荷蘭的彼得凡馬勒(Peter Van Marle)帶給營隊與觀眾更多驚奇律動!







標題: TIJEPA大眾爵士樂欣賞講堂第四屆囉!20小時徹底透視爵士樂的絕佳機會!



課程規劃講師:謝啟彬、張凱雅(http://www.chipin-kaiya.com) 與每場特別來賓



自五月初開始至七月中止,每星期四晚上7 點至9點,每場兩小時,共計 20 小時,於臺北市復興南路一段 322 號 12 樓功學社音樂廳舉行。收費方式將採優惠價格套票方式處理,十場只要2,000元!

5/07  一、爵士樂入門概論
5/14  二、爵士樂的基本形式
5/21  三、爵士樂的樂器與編制
5/28  四、爵士樂著名男女歌手
6/04  五、起源與蓬勃—二三○年代紐奧良及搖擺樂
6/11  六、現代爵士樂的起點—四○年代咆勃樂
6/18  七、承續咆勃的溫和與改進—涼派爵士與精純咆勃
6/25  八、爵士樂壇的中道路線—調式爵士與後咆勃
7/02  九、反璞歸真的解放—自由前衛爵士樂
7/09  十、新生再造、放手一搏—融合爵士樂與民族風

更多資訊請洽: http://blog.yam.com/tijs2009/article/19601604

2009台北國際爵士樂教育推廣季系列活動開跑! http://blog.yam.com/tijs2009
[大眾爵士樂欣賞講堂] * [台北國際爵士音樂營] * [台北國際爵士音樂節]


嶄新規劃 名家匯集~2009第六屆台北國際爵士音樂營與您相約!


你也夢想成為這樣的Jazz Knight嗎?今年夏天,第六屆台北國際爵士音樂營就是你的選擇!來自全亞洲的爵士樂愛好者,將齊聚台北,琢磨技藝、學習合奏,來自世界各國的爵士樂名家們,更將傾囊相授畢生絕學,並以近身示範引導與密集課程規劃,充分體驗爵士樂演奏演唱群體創作的真諦!

07.19~07.25   Learn with Real Jazz Masters only in Taipei!

Chi-pin Hsieh 謝啟彬(台灣)- 小提琴與絃樂、音樂總監
Kai-ya Chang 張凱雅(台灣)- 鋼琴、教育總監
David Linx 大衛林克斯(比利時)- 歌唱
John Beasley 約翰畢斯里(美國)- 鋼琴與電子合成器
Joachim Schoenecker 姚阿辛荀內克 (德國)- 吉他
Bert Joris 伯特裘瑞斯(比利時)- 小號
John Allred 約翰歐瑞 (美國)- 長號、上低音號、土巴號
John Ruocco 約翰若寇(美國)- 薩克斯風與木管
Bart De Nolf 巴特迪諾夫(比利時)- 貝斯
Mimi Verderame 米米費德拉梅(義大利)- 鼓
Peter Van Marle 彼得凡馬勒(荷蘭)- 拉丁風格

今年首開New Orleans Jazz風格行進樂隊、Latin打擊樂隊, 並強化爵士大樂團訓練,歡迎銅管、薩克斯風與擊樂演奏者踴躍參與 !營隊規劃涵蓋各類歐美主流爵士風格如Swing、Bebop、Fusion、Modern Jazz、World Music等主題式實戰樂團課程、歌手與節奏組、樂器與人聲、大師班與工作坊、團體理論課程...以及每晚與爵士大師同台較量的Jam Session! 進階組學員並將學習Modern Jazz、Latin、African、Funk、Soul、R&B等風格之演奏技巧,並增設大師班工作坊,而針對首度參加學員,亦規劃更多分門別類之基礎課程

o 團體理論課程
o 個別樂器及人聲課程
o 工作坊互動講座
o 樂團合奏課程
o 大師同台(Master Jam)
o 學員切磋即興合奏(Jam Session)
o 專題演講
o 生涯規劃與經驗分享
o 成果發表 

五月中試聽甄選  Apply now!


◎營隊地點:   台北大直實踐大學音樂系


◎報名資格︰ 年滿十六歲,居住於台灣地區與亞洲鄰近國家,對爵士樂演奏有興趣者即可報考,英文程度佳者優先考慮。


◎報考範疇︰ 木管(薩克斯風、豎笛、長笛)、銅管(小號、長號、上低音號、土巴號)、絃樂(小提琴、中提琴、大提琴)、鋼琴、吉他、貝斯(原音與電音)、爵士鼓 、拉丁打擊樂器、男女歌唱、其他獨奏樂器如口琴、手風琴、鐵琴、雙簧管、巴松管…等


◎更多國際師資介紹、課程內容、招生報名等資訊請洽 www.taipeijazz.com  或2009系列活動部落格 blog.yam.com/tijs2009

主辦:台北市國際爵士樂教育推廣協會 TIJEPA

2009台北國際爵士樂教育推廣季系列活動開跑! http://blog.yam.com/tijs2009
05.07~07.25 [大眾爵士樂欣賞講堂] * [台北國際爵士音樂營] * [台北國際爵士音樂節]


Join TISJA 2009, the ultimate jazz learning experience this summer in Taipei!

One of the premier summer jazz education programs in Asia, the annual Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy is planning for its 6th year and larger scale, recruiting even higher-level jazz sensations from all over Asia to participate, and had helped many talented local jazz musicians to develop more on their musical styles and musicianship.

Learn with International Jazz Masters who are not only fantastic players but also great teachers “without distance” for Jazz Improvisation, Instrument & Vocal Techniques, Ensemble Playing, Workshops, Master Classes, Theory Lessons, Career Advices and Jam Sessions every night for a complete 1 week! Various Concerts, Carnivals & Festival will follow too!

07.19~07.25 Learn with Real Jazz Masters only in Taipei!

Chi-pin Hsieh (Taiwan) – Violin & Strings, Musical Director
Kai-ya Chang (Taiwan) – Piano & Education Director
David Linx (Belgium) – Voice
John Beasley (USA) – Piano & Synthesizer
Joachim Schoenecker (Germany) – Guitar
Bert Joris (Belgium) – Trumpet
John Allred (USA) – Trombone, Baritone, Euphonium, Tuba
John Ruocco (USA) – Saxophone & Woodwinds
Bart De Nolf (Belgium) – Bass
Mimi Verderame (Italy) – Drums
Peter Van Marle (Netherlands) – Latin Styles

In addition to the courses traditionally offered in the summer jazz academy program, this year TISJA will introduce New Orleans style ensemble first-time-ever regionally, alongside with the Latin percussion ensemble and Jazz Big Band training. These styles will be taught in ensembles, lectures, workshops and performed in faculty and student concert programs. Further, for the first-timers, more basic courses will be added. The advanced courses include Modern jazz, Latin, African style, Funk, Soul and R&B ensembles & etc. The master workshop is also present during the camp.

Apply Now for Audition by Post before May 8th or Live Audition on May 17th in Taipei!

– July 19th to July 25th

– Music Department of Shih Chien University, Taipei City, Taiwan

– May 8th 2009 (Extension will be announced if needed)

1. Those interested in jazz music playing above 16 years of age and reside in Taiwan or Asia
(1) Young musicians interested in learning professional jazz playing
(2) Teachers or students of classic music interested in jazz music
(3) Music educators lack of formal music training
(4) Professional pop musicians and teachers of the music school
(5) Students and professional musicians from throughout Asia

2. Category

Brass (Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, Euphonium, Tuba)
Woodwinds (Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax, Clarinet, Flute)
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello)
Double Bass & Electric Bass
Latin Percussion (Congas, Timbales...& etc.)
Voice (Male & Female)
Miscellaneous Instruments (Harmonica, Accordion, Vibraphone, Oboe, and Bassoon…Please write to ask)

More info on Faculty, Courses, Requirements…& etc, please visit www.taipeijazz.com or the Official Blog of TIJS2009 atblog.yam.com/tijs2009en

Organized by TIJEPA (Taipei International Jazz Education & Promotion Asscociation)

2009 Taipei International Jazz Season – Jazz be there!

05.07~07.25 http://blog.yam.com/tijs2009

[Introduction To Jazz: A Course of Lectures]

[Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy]

[Taipei International Jazz Festival]


TIJEPA Introduction to Jazz: A Course of Lectures & Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy
JAZZ BE HERE in Taipei!

Do you aspire to know more about Jazz music? Do you realize how much you could  be inspired by learning from International Jazz maters? Right here in Taipei, as you are living in Taiwan, you can be connected with international and experience the learning! The 4th annual TIJEPA Introduction to Jazz: A Course of Lectures and the 6th Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy (TISJA) is now available to sign up!

Nowadays, people have changed the way they appreciate jazz music, gradually from purchasing CDs into joining live concerts. There are not only international jazz maters are coming to Taiwan performing but also some local jazz artists are performing on stages and giving out a lot of shows as you are anticipating. Therefore, here we have the first part of TIJS 2009 (Introduction to Jazz: A Course of Lectures & Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy) just for you to understand more and to the point about jazz music. Chi-pin Hsieh alongside Kai-ya Chang are not only lecturers  but also professional jazz performers who design the lessons as well. For years experiences of promoting jazz music among all class in the society, Chi-pin and Kai-ya will bring you academic knowledge within 20 hours lectures from May 7th to July 9th. From  New Orleans to New York, from bebop to fusion, from understanding how the improvisation go to join the groove together, from the influence of jazz classic albums to jazz appeared on movie… the 20 hours lectures will make you understand how a jazz performer make himself think in a jazz way and create more fascinating music with much more possibilities.

For musicians, This is the 6th year of the annual TISJA (Taipei International Summer Jazz Academy) that has widely joining with countries around the Asia, which is completely a professional and distance-less environment for performers and musicians who would like to experience jazz performance. Whatever your background is classical music, or music teachers expect logical and modern lessons, or expect yourself to be come a professional jazz musician, there will be a One-Week program in TISJA that you will find yourself and experience the reality of jazz improvisation. The directors of TISJA, Chi-pin Hsieh and Kai-ya Chang not only have been devoting to compose jazz music their music which has been  nominated by the Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan, besides that Chi-pin and Kai-ya impetus Taiwan to the world as well as exchange jazz music worldwide. By their invitation, there will be 11 international jazz masters including two jazz masters from Taiwan gather together in Taipei, they will give lessons in TISJA to students from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macaw, Japan, Korea, South East Asia, New Zealand, Australia, and America. The 11 international teachers will share their points of view and their experience to them.  TISJA will be taken place in at the Music Department of Shih Chien University in Taipei. This is an unique event together with many international jazz matters that you can join in Asia. Moreover, this is the first time that TISJA is going to bring you the coaching of New Orleans style marching band, and Latin percussion parade.

This year there will be three well-known jazz musicians from USA which indicates multiple fields of American Jazz. John Beasley the pianist from the west coast, he is the pianist and keyboard player with Freddie Hubbard, John Patittuci and other jazz masters. Besides that he was the man who played on the films, Finding NEMO, WALL-E, and etc. Born in mid-west, trombonist  John Allred has been featured in certain famous big bands such as the Woody Herman Orchestra and Toshiko Akiyoshi's Big Band. In addition, he is the expert on early jazz like Dixieland and New Orleans style. John Ruocco the saxophone player from the east coast is highly respected by western jazz musicians. He has the most performance and teaching experience above others. Furthermore, there are three jazz masters from Belgium, David Linx the vocalist is now popular in Europe, he is good at inspire musician’s talents as well as a professor in musical conservatory. Bert Joris the trumpetist and the big band conductor. His style of performance includes main stream jazz, big band, and electronic jazz. He is one of the most outstanding trumpet players in Europe. Bart De Nolf the bass player, he has been cooperating with many jazz greats doing recording & touring, his talented performance is one of the best gift that people are expecting as well. Mimi Verderame the drummer from Italy always bring surprises and magnificence music to the crowd. Joachim Schoenecker from Germany is the most excellent jazz guitarist who has been undoubtedly known as one of the the most recognizable jazz guitarists in both Europe and USA, this will be his first time to visit Taiwan. As for the lively hustle and bustle Latin Parade for TISJA, they will be presented by Peter Van Marle from Neatherlands.

All the international jazz masters will join Taipei International Jazz Festival in Da An Forest Park and bring spectacular performances as well. Also they will lead all the students from TISJA to perform on stage as final concert at USC Musical Hall and Da An Jazz Carnivals! Sign up now! There will be an audition in the middle of May. Do not miss this opportunity, make Jazz no longer a passenger but a good habit in life!

Please also expect more live shows of 2009 Taipei International Jazz Festival starts from the middle end of June!

For more info, please log on to http://www.taipiejazz.com
Or 2009 Official blog http://blog.yam.com/tijs2009en

Organizer: TIJEPA (http://www.taipeijazz.com)


May 7th - July 9th Introduction to Jazz: A Course of Lectures
June 20th - July 25th TIJF
July 19th- July25th TISJA


台長: 鮪魚
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