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2004年度女企業家 - 蘇珊彼得森

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2004年度女企業家 - 蘇珊彼得森

感受很深 ~ 能夠真正成為成功的人 ~ 是兼具勇氣與行動力的

給我的朋友們 ~ 讓我們一起 少一點思考多一分行動


Chairman’s Club member Susan Peterson - Business woman of the year 2004
主席俱樂部成員蘇珊 彼得森 ?2004年度女企業家

”Work is the greatest remedy available”

From left to right由左至右 - Jennifer Peterson; First Lady, Laura Bush; President of the United States, George Bush; John Peterson Jr. & Susan Peterson

Listen to her Daily Message聽聽她的訊息

Good Morning to everyone! Today is Wednesday April 27th.

It was such an honor for me to receive the award of Businesswoman of the Year 2004 and personally meet President Bush and the First Lady last month.

They are both very gracious and were so kind to me and to my twins.

It was a highlight in my life.I was so proud to represent all of you.

If you wonder how someone like me,an ex-decorator and ex-pipefitter’s helper,could get to this point in life,I can only say that two things helped make this possible.
你如果覺得好奇一個像我這樣的人 , 以前曾經是一個室內設計師、和幫人裝水管的人,如何能夠有這樣的人生,我只能說有兩個原因讓這一切發生。

First and foremost, the answer is being an Herbalife Distributor.

When I started in Herbalife,I really did not have the leadership skills
Going to all of the trainings over the years,taking good notes,getting into action and then constantly refining everything is a process that eventually evolved into becoming a leader
這些年來參去參加所有的訓練, 好好抄筆記,付諸行動而持續修正每件事,就是讓我發展成為一個領導者的過程。

Anyone of you can do this simple process and climb to the next levels in your life.This is how you begin to change the Herbalife pin you are wearing right now!
你們任何人都可以作這個過程而在你人生裡更上一層樓。 這是你如何改變你目前賀寶芙位階的方法!

The second thing that made this achievement possible is a word we sometimes do not like to talk about.It is simple yet basic.
第二件讓我有所成就的原因是一個有時候我們都不喜歡說的字。 它很簡單,卻也是根基。

For some it is a frightening word.From my experience though,it is much easier to face it head on and just do it.What is this word?
對某些人來說這個字很恐怖的。 但是就我的經驗而言, 勇於面對它而去作,反而比任何其他都容易。 它是什麼字呢?


Yes just making the upfront decision of going to work is really the second key to success.

I want to share with you all a little note about work that I have kept for many years.

Every time that I refer back to it it makes me smile and press forward.,

I hope this will be something that inspires you about deciding to go to work as well.
”Work” ”工作”

If you are poor...work 如果你窮...工作

If you are rich... continue to work. 如果你富有...繼續工作。

If you are burdened with seemingly unfair responsibilities... work
如果你因為看似不公平的責任而感到負擔... 工作。

If you are happy... keep right on working. Idleness gives room for doubts and fear.

If disappointments come... work. 當失望沮喪來臨時...工作。

If sorrow overwhelms you, and loved ones are not true... work

When faith falters and reason fails... just work. 當信心衰弱而動力失敗時...只要工作。

When dreams are shattered and hope seems dead ... work 當夢想破碎而希望似乎已死 ... 工作。

Work as if your life were in peril.It really is. 如同你的生命在災難中一般的工作。 它事實上是在災難裡。

No matter what ails you... work. 無論何事讓你痛苦...工作。

Work faithfully... work with faith. 有信心的工作... 跟信心一同工作。

Work is the greatest remedy available. Work will cure both mental and physical afflictions.

Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do which must be done whether you like it or not.

Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance,self-control, diligence,strength of will,content, and a hundred other virtues which the idle will never know.
被逼著去工作而且盡全力去作將會培養出你的自我紀律,自我控制力, 勤奮,堅強的意志力, 內涵,以及上百項那些游手好閒的懶惰者永遠不知道的優點。

台長: Tracy~享瘦人生
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