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2005-08-26 11:49:00| 人氣312| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

電影°。°★☆°Boys and Girls

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from IMDb

I don't think that any of us know who we are.

So how are we supposed to know who Mr. Right is?

We've all been in love.

But we never know that it's not true love nutil it's over.

So what if there's no "one"...?

What if there's no such thing as true love?

But we're too afraid to admit it.

So we keep on dressing up?

We keep pretending to be something we're not?

We keep turning our lives upside down losing ourselves in something that we hope is better than what we think that we are.

What if that something that we're looking for...just doesn't exist?

________________________________from Boys and Girls


台長: Tazy 塔
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