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老歌亂談(1041)When Can We Do This Again

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The Kendalls是一對父女檔的鄉村合唱團體,1969組成時女兒Jeannie才15歲,初期都是翻唱一些其他歌星的歌曲,像是John Denver的《Leaving on a Jet Plane》及Kitty Wells的《Making Believe》等等,雖然也打進了排行榜,但成績普普。直到1977,才以一首自己首錄發行的《Heaven's Just a Sin Away》打開了知名度,不僅奪得了鄉村榜的冠軍,也在次年贏得了一座「最佳鄉村團體」的葛萊美獎。

挾著勝利的餘威,1978再推出《Old Fashioned Love》專輯,成績依舊亮眼,專輯中的《Sweet Desire》、《I Don't Feel Like Sinnin' to Me》及《Pittsburgh Stealers》,分別拿下了排行榜的第1、第2與第6名。此首《When Can We Do This Again》亦為此專輯中的歌曲,但未另發行單曲。

歌曲的意思,看來像是在描述這位Harry老兄「婚前婚後(?)」對於愛愛態度的大不同。婚前的週末在湖邊渡假小屋和女友膩在一起,只覺得時間過得好快,離開時還要問何時可do this again?而婚後,遇到假日,卻只想設法溜出家門,女主角當然還記得他當年的濃情問語,也無怪乎要哀怨和禁不住想反問了。

1998,The Kendalls的父親Royce Kendall因中風過世,享壽62歲。之後,Jeannie Kendall仍繼續其個人的歌唱生涯。

亂談(6) Pittsburgh Stealers



In a lakeside weekend cottage two lovers meet in secret randezvous
In a lakeside weekend cottage we're holdin' on like lovers love to do
Too fast the hours slip away Lord it seems we have so little time
I remember how he loved me and the last few words he said are on my mind
He said now when can we do this again
Oh baby when can we do this again
I'll be so lonely I'll be hurtin' till then
Oh tell me when can we do this again
In a house out in the suburbs comes the end of one more working day
Harry's in the kitchen and he just put one more beer away
And I just got to see him gotta find a way to slip away
He's burning up my mem'ry and even now I can hear him say
Oh tell me when can we do this again...
Oh tell me when can we do this again...

台長: 流浪阿狗
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