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老歌亂談(715) It Hurt So Bad

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Susan Tedeschi為出生於1971的義裔美國人,其曾祖父為連鎖便利超商Tedeschi Food Shops的創辦人 ( 2015時約有200家分店,後被7-11收購。 ),家境應該不差。Susan Tedeschi在6歲時就有首次上台表演的經驗,青少女時也經常聽父親收藏的黑膠唱片,18歲還在高中時就組了自己的第一個樂團The Smokin' Section。後進入音樂學院,也開始學習藍調音樂。

1993,Susan Tedeschi另組Susan Tedeschi Band,也開始參加巡迴團體的表演及擔任一些知名樂團和歌手的暖場。1999,在擔任The Allman Brothers Band樂團的巡演暖場時,認識了樂團的吉他手Derek Trucks,後倆人於2001結為連理。2003,Susan Tedeschi的樂團擔任The Rolling Stones在巨大場館演唱會的暖場,讓她獲得了在國際的曝光度,只是酬勞有限,Susan Tedeschi說:若是收支能夠打平,就很幸運了。

Tedeschi & Derek Trucks

2010,Tedeschi和老公Trucks將之前各自的樂團班底湊合在一起,成立了Tedeschi Trucks Band。2000─2010,Susan Tedeschi共有5次被提名葛萊美獎,但不幸都槓龜。2012,終於和樂團一起穫得了一座最佳藍調專輯的葛萊美獎項。

此首《It Hurt So Bad》是受邀演唱的歌曲,收錄在西雅圖的廣播電台於1998所製作的合輯《On the Mountain 4》中。


I miss the arms that used to hold me
The tender way we used to kiss
I miss the way that you touch me
I miss the sweet taste of your lips
I was a fool to ever leave you
You were a fool to let me go
Oh it's so lonesome, lonesome here with out you
Oh how I miss you so
It hurt... it hurt... it hurt so bad
You were the best man I ever had
Why was I so blind to see?
Now the biggest fool is me
I miss the arms that used to hold me
The tender way we used to kiss
Ooo... yes... ooo... I miss the way that you touch me
I miss the sweet taste of your lips
It hurt... it hurt... it hurt so bad
'Cause ooo you were the best man I ever, ever, ever had
Why was I so blind to see
And now the biggest fool is me
Oh Oh what a fool I was darlin'... yes...
And oh you were a fool to let... let me go... why did you let me go?
It's so lonesome here with out you
Oh how I miss you so
Oh Oh now yes
Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it oh lord no!
I miss you oh yeah!
Come back Oh! come back to me, yes
Oh how I miss you
Oh I miss you so
Oh Oh Lordy, Lordy, Lordy Oooo........
Don't do it, Oh! Come on baby Come back to me
Oh how I miss you so
How I miss you so
Oh,oh,oh,ooooo....Lord now
Oh I miss you baby

台長: 流浪阿狗
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