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2006-12-18 14:03:27


卡滋在新地方展開新生活了,可是他找不到適合的時間,寫下他的新生活心得,該怎麼辦呢? 卡滋的困擾: 卡滋沒有自己的電腦。 卡滋沒有適合的時間。 卡滋有一大堆新奇好玩的發現,不知道該從何說起。

2006-12-11 13:11:57


  在出發前一天,我竟然感冒加重了!   大概是這兩天出門吹到風的關係吧,原本快好的感冒瞬間變嚴重了。昨晚疑似輕微的發燒,早上醒來才發現出了一身汗,喉嚨比幾天前感冒的時候還要痛,咳嗽時好像要把肺給咳...

2006-12-05 22:14:48


(一)   東北季風吹走了秋天宜人的溫度,冬天悄悄的來了。 (二)   美好的時光,轉瞬間如吐納般,在我長長的呼出一口氣的時候,悄悄的不見了蹤影。 (三)   時間悄悄的向前,是永恆的變與不變...

2006-11-28 18:39:54


  有一天,和C談到關於煮飯的事。   C:……(前段對話省略)所以,卡滋,你來就要煮飯了耶。   卡滋:噢。   C:你放心,我們家有很多食譜。   卡滋:可是我不喜歡食譜。   C:那你要怎...

2006-11-28 16:27:55


  繼上禮拜因失誤沒去面談後,我趕緊又預約了新的面談時間。時間是十一月二十七日禮拜一早上九點。   十一月二十七日早上六點,我被鬧鐘弄醒。不習慣被鬧鐘鬧醒的我,原以為是夢中的聲響,好一會兒才意識過來...

2006-11-20 18:17:05


  百貨公司一年一度的週年慶在一片鑼鼓喧天中熱鬧展開。   今年難得與媽媽和妹妹在週年慶的第一天,就到百貨公司逛逛,因此格外感覺新鮮有趣。我們今天的目的,是到贈品處兌換來店禮;並且購買到寒冷的美國需...

2006-11-03 13:20:49


  要離開了,好不可思議。   現在的我好想拉長在這裡,在這塊土地上生活的時光。在出發前,剩下的,被分割得瑣碎的時光,讓我有點不知所措,一切都像幻覺,可是卻很真實。我像被巨大的流往前推進,不容後退的...

2006-10-20 23:01:29

Modern technology

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. _______________________________...

2006-10-20 15:33:50


Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. _________________...

2006-10-18 16:01:07

planning for leisure time

Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the...

2006-10-17 12:51:30

home or school

In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and speci...

2006-10-14 23:50:23

Not everything that is learned is contained in books.

It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is mor...

2006-10-10 11:10:05

a new movie theater

It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. ________...

2006-10-07 22:10:58

Mid-Autumn Festival

  天上的月,很圓很亮,像旋轉在一盞燈裡的一百燭光燈泡。就在那天,我看了一篇關於嫦娥、后羿、玉兔和砍桂樹的吳剛的有趣童話。在那天,烤肉的同時,我們想起了來源不明確的有關用手指月亮會被割耳朵的傳說。 ...

2006-10-07 17:58:03

The most important room

Which room in the house would your family consider the most important? Describe the room and explain why it is more important than any other room. Use specific reasons and details. ______________...

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