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2005-06-01 13:41:30

Did you vote for Europe Union?

Do you vote for Europe Uion? That was the topic we discussed yesterday. Jean meantioned that he voted " yes", however many young people in France who against the Chriac, they voted " no". Jean ment...

2005-05-31 22:58:39

market survive game 生存遊戲

The sales goes down within these few months. And our factory do not have order for manufacturing. And because of my manager's father's cancer, he takes many date offs for taking care for his father....

2005-05-31 10:37:49


常常陷在一種莫名的情緒 特別是在人際關係上 所謂的界線以及尺寸 常常抓不住一個準兒 什麼時候應該就讓狀況保持這樣 什麼時候又應該多做一些 什麼時候又該什麼都不做 追求所謂的標準或是完美是否是一個太...

2005-05-30 23:20:54


逛完奧塞美術館, 時間也晚了 沿著賽納河走, 連原本希望可以做船遊賽納的興致 也不如沿著河岸走的悠閒以及輕鬆 河岸的燈火映在河中 呵呵 梵谷這傢伙 給我上了一課 那映在賽納河的燈火 真如哪在starly starly nig...

2005-05-30 17:05:43

選擇的力量 power of choice

看似日復一日的生活為我們帶來了什麼影響 昨天我看著安息日在講台上的演講者 每個人的容貌個異 經歷的事也不相同 一直記得一句話: 40歲後我們必須為我們的容貌負責 許多我們以為事隱藏著的事 都會在我們的容貌...

2005-05-30 14:53:54

struggle for life

Miky brought forth a new born baby. A new life comes to this earth. Same time, my manager's father was diagnosed cancer. Recently he is always with red eyes. I do not know it is because of sleep...

2005-05-30 12:39:53

La Moselle

Jean said he would ride his bicycle and take some pictures of Metz for me. And he did! He sent me his picture with beautiful scene of Metz. I was so touched about this. Recently the election f...

2005-05-29 19:04:37


一個星期以來陸陸續續忙碌不已 似乎每天都有事 每一天排的滿滿的 到底是為了什麼做這一些事勒 說是一些冠冕堂皇的理由 卻是使日子轉動的飛快 回首內心卻是空的很

2005-05-29 00:02:44


今天來上法文課的老師跟上次的那位不一樣 她非常的漂亮 牛仔外套加上一條合身的窄裙 更特別了是她為的絲巾 為她的打扮裝點的亮眼起來 班上還有令一位同學 坐在我隔壁的隔壁 她的第一天出現時我就一直注意她 ...

2005-05-27 15:25:41

Crazy woman-our supplier

奇怪的供應商 他說法天天在改變 有時說好要供貨 當我們跟客人確定可以出貨時 他又說 若是我們今天無法確定的話 那麼他們又不接了 每次這樣反反覆覆 我們都不知應該跟客人確認可以或是不可以出貨了 一提...

2005-05-27 13:12:43

To be like a manager?

Recently I have been asked to cover some duties from Manager. Providing solutions, building up teamwork and increasing the sales revenue are 3 major topics within these days. I should say my good...

2005-05-26 23:47:22

Gare Du Chatelet 哪一個Chatelet呀!

My friend and I wanna meet in Gare De Chatelet, France last December. After the trade show, I checked with employee who worked for DB. And clearly repeated that I wanna have a ticket to Gare Du Chat...

2005-05-26 23:26:33

Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington-我的爵士夜

Today I found a CD from long time ago. The name of this album called: The great summit/the master takes One of the song is called " I am JUST a lucky so and so"-from Duke Ellington. In the begini...

2005-05-26 23:07:38

NIKO, My cat

NIKO就像是無所不用奇極需要得到愛的女人 她暗示強烈暗示你她的需要 摩蹭摩蹭你 輕輕的喵喵聲 優雅的輕步走向你 就是要讓你知道"我需要你""你是我的全部" 慵懶的呼嚕聲 時而溫柔時而堅定 絕對不隱藏 也不掩飾...

2005-05-26 00:12:38

The forest of Comb La Ville-part one

Comb La ville is a very quite small village, about 1 hour train from Dare du Lyon. One day, getting up early, I decided to explore this small villiage and found a beautiful forest within a autume mor...

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