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2005-12-06 00:56:51

Frankfort temple

Decided to go to frankfort temple last week. Because I really long for the white and holiness of temple. I went in 11:45 from reims church and took the bus heading to frankfort. It took us about 5 ...

2005-11-29 05:15:18


天氣冷到叫我十分局喪 不知如何是好 真是的濫天氣 準備不完的東西加上corporate finance 我的媽呀! 只好多唸點書 打打電話回家 抒發一下情緒

2005-11-24 22:56:38

Oh yes, we got a HOT corporation Fiance professor

You know, when our CP professor-lilian worked into our classroom. You should take a look of the eyes of our male classmates. They were so amazing to know that we gonna have a FASHION CP professor to...

2005-11-24 22:46:48

Business Plan

In the end of our study, we will need to prepare a business plan. You need to present a industry and team up with 2 others people. So this is the most important thing within today, everyone is dis...

2005-11-24 22:40:34

French..oh my goodness

I almost have one month without french lesson. My french is still very poor without any progression. Anyway, really, MBA means your life will only have study, eat and sleep. That is all!

2005-11-24 22:34:03


Went to Lyon last week right after the exam. Life in RMS is really crazy. You always feel that you have many things waiting for you to finish. And you have been chased to make the things done soon....

2005-11-24 22:29:44

Not go to EGADE

After discussing with several consultants in school, I decided not go to EGADE. 1, my spanish 2, only 4 courses in english. Anyway, so I stay in RMS still.

2005-11-15 20:41:41


申請了交換學生到墨西哥的EGADE 那是一所十分棒的學校 算是全世界50名內之MBA也是南美最好的MBA 想申請是因為知道是所好學校 http://egade.sistema.itesm.mx/english/ 可是申請到 決定要不要去卻變成我現在的困擾...

2005-11-15 20:30:49


好久沒上來寫東西囉! 功課真的很忙 忙到天昏地暗的 加上又要考試了 真不知道自己怎摩撐過來 收到幾個朋友寫信給我問我知不知道法國暴動的事 其實我真的一點都沒感覺 只是每天往返學校 世界上發生什麼事 似乎都與...

2005-11-08 19:40:56

My classmate

My classmate in reims management school! Can you recognize me?

2005-10-11 22:41:59

Dress code

我開始觀察法國女生如何穿 舉止如何 神情如何 如何應對 我想自己真的跟他們有差距 怎說自己都不是法國女生 我知道他們身材好 氣質佳 甚至很會穿衣服 可是我一下子實在無法變成那樣 進入一個文化 也許像Laura 講的...

2005-10-11 22:38:19

fool around all the time

從來法國我想自己不是頂認真的 老是東混混西混混 想其他事的時間比想學校的是來的多 昨天看到Hiciam自己唸書的筆記 覺得相較之下自己混了很 把時間做有效分配是很重要的 別東轉轉西轉轉 找不到重心 覺得會計這東西...

2005-10-11 22:36:16

Faire natation!

早上起來決定到游泳池去游泳 帶著我的地圖以及泳衣就出發了 去探險吧! 想想來這麼一段時間了 就是morzine回來又就很少很少運動 雖說還是每天需要走十分鐘的路到學校 可是覺得自己相對起法國的女生 真是要什麼沒什...

2005-10-11 22:34:21


昨天去市中心的圖書館 本想說趁著機會去到處走走 結果自己還是到市中心去看童書 看有沒感興趣的東東 FABIEN剛剛從學校回市中心所以提議陪我走一走, 他講一講他的事 似乎有是困擾他的 所以慢慢的我釐清了問題 原來...

2005-10-11 22:31:08

J’aime bien…

J’aime bien… J’aime bien quand tu me donnes la matin J’aime bien quand tu me laisses t’aider J’aime bien quand nous mangeons des choses nouvelles J’amie bien quand nous jouons a cache-cac...

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