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2005-06-20 13:04:30

Choir practise! 唱詩班練唱

In order to prepare for the coming of President Hinckley, each brach is required to recommand 4 people for this event. And I am of the 4 from my branch. Yesterday is our first practise, I went the...

2005-06-20 12:56:03

La mode 流行 潮流

I have talked to nabe last sat. And he sent me a picture of his fashion show in Taiwan. And I found he is from a fashion company call Itokin, Europe. I went on net and seeked for more information a...

2005-06-20 12:48:44

hypocrites 假道學

What is defination of Hypocrite? If you know something is right, however your flesh is weak. You keep cross the line to do the wrong things. And in the same time, you act like you are righteous. M...

2005-06-17 13:58:23

Purify your language

Jean recently taught me the French. He is really a good teacher. Yesterday I have asked him about the slang of Franch. He said no. He do not wanna to teach me the slam. In his mind, the slang is ...

2005-06-17 11:41:47

寶貝, 圓圓與NIKO

最近Baby來家裡(baby是姊姊的心甘) 所以除了圓圓, NIKO外我跟姊姊家又多了一口子 其實我一直對baby的敏感很感冒 因為他一有聲音就叫 搞的大家緊張西西的 可是昨天在看電影時baby跳上我的臂彎 希望我抱一抱他 就...

2005-06-17 09:37:58

Sideway 尋找新方向

Movie about two 40 years old men driving from the north CA to south CA. With testing of wine, with sex with women and not much consider of NEW DIRECTION of LIFE. I think the translation of Chinese f...

2005-06-16 09:45:20

A simply prayer

My simple prayer is hoping that when I talk to Marvin (my boss) about my leaving for Reims Management school. He can understand and considerate about it. With his blessing, it will be great. Hopi...

2005-06-16 09:32:32

現在 很想見你 Be With you

Be with you is a quite simple Japanese Movie. It is a story about a young family, not much connect with others. After watching this movie, I started to think how long I have no such simple feeling a...

2005-06-14 16:08:30

ID picture

In order to meet the new ID card rules of Taiwan government, everyone will change to the new version of ID card with new and updated pictures on it. A photographer came to our office and took individ...

2005-06-14 12:12:25

What is your dream?

Yesterday, in single family home evening, we have discussed about the " dream". It is quite interesting to see how eveyone react when we discussed about " dream". Dream is very preivate thing in...

2005-06-14 11:53:41

Girl without face

Friend sent me a e-mail regarding a report about a girl without face. During looking the report, my heart aches for this little girl. I saw her parents's face and knowing that they definately need h...

2005-06-13 13:23:34

lonely island

Every one is just a lonely island. Isolated and distance from others. Only youself can answer the questiones in your own mind. The careness and the tenderness are all for a short time. I feel so...

2005-06-13 13:17:33


為什麼分享 只是覺得這樣的分享對我而言 似乎一點感覺都沒有 大家吃吃喝喝沒有什麼意義 有沒有我 是不是我發起的都無所謂了 只是覺得很煩也很累 不知為什麼自己想這麼做 很難激發起熱情 因為大家反應不...

2005-06-09 14:30:01


工作上我們常常會遇到各式各樣的人 對我來說遇到不講理似乎就是常常讓我沒輒 我的供應商就是這樣一個例子 有時讓我十分頭痛 但是最近我開始有不同的想法 我想就當每一次交易是最後一次吧 也努力尋找下一個供...

2005-06-09 13:27:49


到底為什麼而寫 剛剛開始寫寫東西覺得就是紀錄下來自己生活中所經歷的事 開始慢慢的就有一些人上來看 由十幾個人到數百個 寫東西的心情開始改變 開始依市場來調整自己要寫些什麼 也許人就是所謂的群居動物 不...

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