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2005-07-08 17:09:08


昨天上網去尋找一些有關朱名美術館的訊息 意外的看到一個部落格 一個叫做Catherine 的女孩 她看起來有事一位上班族 或是我應該說她是一位鬱悶上班族 她的部落格裡滿滿的對公司以及對同事上司的不滿 能讓她放鬆的...

2005-07-07 13:33:10

NTNU Franch lesson

Yesterday I went to register for my French class in NTNU. Still in basic level. My sister was so worry about me..How can I survive in France. Actually, I am a little bit worry about it too. Even t...

2005-07-06 13:37:07


最近就陸續買進歐元 一早就看到經濟日報新聞 說到美元與歐元的匯率又到最近新低 結果今天一早去買 原來是美元上漲的關係 而歐元對台幣卻沒什麼明顯變化 還是在38.20~38.30間徘徊 其實自己也很Lucky 不只歐元跌...

2005-07-06 13:30:12


把要上課的書通通跟姊姊一同到光華商場買齊了 今天一股腦的把它搬到郵局給寄掉 寄到學校去 本想應該會需要很大的箱子 跟郵局買了一個2號箱 結果太大了 換了個5號箱子就剛剛好了 寫了寫名 就給它寄出去了 這樣一...

2005-07-05 16:32:04

Blue Mood

常常抱怨也不是辦法 所以試著讓生活可以先從改變自己的態度開始 走出憂鬱 讓自己快樂!!

2005-07-01 21:43:50

Birth certificate

Due to some reasons, I need to go back to my home town for birth certificate application. It is so interesting to see the original birth certificate. I invited my mom to go with me. We have discuss...

2005-06-29 12:52:52

Name\'s day

Jean told me some tradition in France. It is name's day which is original from Catholic church. Almost every name has it day. Such as St. Jean's day is on June 24th and St. paul and Pierre is on Ju...

2005-06-29 12:41:08


開始覺得我的新聞台快變成我的抱怨垃圾筒 生活中瑣碎不如意的事 都忠實的報導出來 好或不好也寫下來 我只能說我不是聖者 也不想成為聖者 一個凡夫俗子面對生活中大大小小的事試著生存下來罷了 一個rebellio...

2005-06-28 13:02:21

燕子的眼淚 Tear of swallow

Sister and I went to see a movie from South Africa about AIDS. We saw the great love for a wife to her husband. The tenderness, the foregiveness, and the love, we both are so touched. And when we w...

2005-06-27 18:00:54

white lie

In our life, we keep finding what is suit for us. No matter occupation, lover, company and even church, we all try to find the answer of it. When someone try to tell me what is good for me, I will w...

2005-06-27 16:22:06


Marvin說我有一個部分要學習的就是"做人" 這是他給我的離職建議 要我好好在這個部分琢磨一下 我真的很OOXX 抽煙喝酒的公司文化 brother/brother的公司文化 加上什麼都無所謂的做法 叫我很抓狂 也許吧 醬...

2005-06-27 11:35:41

Lara Fabian-Broken Vow

一個在荷蘭的朋友-Alien向我鄭重推薦Lara Fabian的專輯 我上網開始去注意這一位歌手 我找到一個網站; http://blog.sina.com.tw/archive.php?blog_id=3963&md=entry&id=13400 這是我第一次聽到她的聲音 昨天晚...

2005-06-27 11:26:43


人生真的是一個不斷認識自己的一條路 一直以為自己可以面對紊亂的情況 仍然抱著一種我可以想辦法處理的理想 可是年紀越長 越明白這只是一種所謂理想罷了 看到每一個地方(財物, 人事, 生產)都有問題 一個點看到...

2005-06-24 14:04:55

My prayer is answered

I kept wandering what my boss will reach when I tell him about my leaving. After evaluation, I decided to tell him by e-mail. Today he checked his e-mail and he just simplely chek somethings with me...

2005-06-22 11:54:49

古諾 聖母頌 Guno-Avie Maria

Italian customers came to visit us yesterday. After the discussion, we wemt together to a chinese resturant for lunch. During the lunch we have discussed a lot of different things- culture, music, T...

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