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2011-03-30 01:00:00
2010-09-16 18:56:56
2011-04-28 07:22:30

Spanish proverb 6: A lo hecho,

6. A lo hecho, pecho. Ao que está feito, (o) peito. (Enfrenta as consequências do que fizeste.) 好漢做事好漢當。

2011-04-25 09:28:29

French proverb 6: Â cheval donné

6. À cheval donné on ne regarde pas le dents.Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.(lit.: One doesn’t look at the reins of a horse given as a gift.)

2011-04-25 09:22:28

German proverb 6: Alter schützt

6. Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht.No fool like an old fool.(lit.: Age doesn’t protect [one] from foolishness.)

2011-04-25 09:20:13

Proverb 66: The absent are

66. The absent are always in the wrong.誰人背後無人說,哪個人前不說人。

2011-04-25 09:17:29

CSentence 71: It's just

71. 就在街對面。It’s just across the street.É do outro lado da rua.

2011-04-25 09:14:54

Phrase 66: call off

66. call off : D/absagen F/annuler E/cancelar P/cancelar I/annullare N/afstellen D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/取りやめる(とりやめる) L/ C/取消Ex.: I decided to call of the engagement.

2011-04-25 09:03:00

Earth 6: revolution

6. revolution: D/Umlauf F/révolution E/revolución P/revolução I/rivoluzione Nl/revolutio D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/公転(こうてん) L/ C/公轉

2011-04-25 08:36:41

Mammal 96: phalanger

phalanger.jpg96. phalanger: D/Kuskus F/couscous E/cuscús P/Phalanger I/cusco Nl/koeskoes D/ S/ N/ I/ S/ J/カスカス L/Phalanger sp. C/捲尾袋鼠

2011-04-25 08:12:23

Flower 96: hydrangea

hydrangea.jpg96. hydrangea: D/Hortensie F/hortensia E/hortensia P/hortênsia I/ortensia Nl/hortensia D/hortensia S/ N/ I/ S/ J/紫陽花(あじさい) L/Hydrangea macrophylla C/繡球花

2011-04-21 10:49:57

Italian proverb 5: A confessore,

5. A confessore, medico e avvocato non tener il ver celato.English translation: To confessor, doctor, and lawyer do not hide the truth.

2011-04-21 10:47:20
2011-04-21 10:45:09

Spanish proverb 5: A enemigo que huye,

5. A enemigo que huye, puente de plata. Ao inimigo que foge, ponte de prata.(Para se livrar de alguém que você não gosta, algumas vezes você tem que ajudá-lo(a).) 放敵人一條生路。

2011-04-21 10:40:40

French proverb 5: Â chaque jour

5. À chaque jour suffit sa peine.Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.(lit.: for each day there suffices suffering; i.e.: deal with today’s difficulties without worrying about what might come...

2011-04-21 10:37:40

German proverb 5: Alte Liebe

5. Alte Liebe rostet nicht.Old love does not rust.

2011-04-21 10:35:13

Proverb 65: Salt water

65. Salt water and absence wash away love.遠離久別,恩情疏。

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