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Nephew Tony.


Kid (hereinafter referred to as K):     我游完泳要回去了!
Frank (hereinafter referred to as F): 今天游的好嗎?
K: 今天游好多喔!我們秋刀魚班每次都游很多。我從6:30游到現在耶(8:45)!我好累喔!
F: 我也游到現在,可是我在6:00之前就下水了!我也很累。你幾年級?
K: 一年級
F: 一年級就上秋刀魚班啊!你很厲害喔!
K: 因為我從中班就一直上到一年級就是秋刀魚了。
F: 你喜歡游泳嗎?
K: 喜歡,我還有去參加比賽喔!不過都只拿到銅牌。我妹參加那個比賽只有一個人,所以得金牌。她那個金牌是蛙式的。我還有比蝶式喔!
F: 幾公尺?
K: 50蝶,也是銅牌。
F: 阿弟,你游50蝶喔!我最多也只能游50蝶耶!
K: 游50蝶就可以去比賽了啊!
F: 你住哪裡呢?
K: 我住福國路47巷x 號 x 樓。我們家旁邊有一個樣品屋,我媽說她要一直住在家裡,她要在樣品屋那裏買一個房子給我長大以後住。她說阿公也會出錢,叫我要好好念書。阿公說只要我考100就會給我1000塊。可是阿公很忙也不能常常來看我。
F: 那阿公住哪裡呢?
K: 阿公住山上。
F: 哪裡山上?
K: 阿嬤家那個山上。
F: 阿嬤家那個山上很遠嗎? 要坐很久的車子嗎?
K: 拔拔開就很快,馬馬開就很久。
K: 你知道為什麼取著個有日的晞嗎?因為我是在太陽剛出來的時候生的。
F: 那詣呢?
K: 媽媽希望我會念書。
F: 那有沒有希望你很會游泳?
K: 沒有!
F: 你自己有沒有想要很會游泳?
K: 有!

The dialogue I cited above is far less interesting when what I experienced, after all it could not be replayed here.  And I have no way sharing the way the kid talking, his facial expression, his body gesture...etc.


I myself and my brothers were very lucky kids, we started to learn swimming when I was at the first grade.  So all we 3 brothers have been swimming for more than 30 years.  But this kid, Yishi, is even luckier than I was.  He started to learn swimming at kindergarten.  I am very glad to know that our younger generation can lead a better life.  Yishi is just a first grader, I hope he can enjoy swimming as much rather than worry about the grade of the tests.

A few weeks ago, a 3rd grader offered to teach me backstroke and butterfly stroke, and he said he was very good at all 4 strokes.  I told him I was poor in swimming backstroke and butterfly stroke, then immediately he offered to teach me.  I really liked his confidence and I also felt it very interesting or even funny, too.  The conversation was very interesting, I should have reocrded it at the time.  I forgot most of it now.

Also few months ago, a little girl in the pool turned to me and told me, "我長大以後就會有大ㄋㄟㄋㄟ喔!"  I really did not know how to respond to that.  That was just kindergarten girl, who said that with a very serious look.  I gave her a smile, then continued my laps, but when I swam to the wall that girl stopped me and told me again.  I smiled and asked, then do you feel like growing up sooner?  She just replied I wished to have big bosom like mum.

Those children I ran into at swimming pool, I found them very different than what we used to be.  When we were kids, we were taught not to talk to the strangers.  But those kids, they are generally confident in dealing with adults.  The capability of striking a conversation with chance encounter was rarely seen among my generation when we were kids but from the ease and confidence they demonstrated, the new generation is much out-going and more expressive.

Of course, the society has changed a lot, too.  Children nowadays generally dealt with much more adults than we used to.  Beisdes, adults of today are no longer authoritarian.

I wish to use Whitney Houston's "Greatest Love of All" as the ending of this log.  In fact, it was the song coming to mind when I was on the way home from the swimming pool.

"Greatest Love Of All"

I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be


And if by chance, that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love

台長: frank
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此分類上一篇:[海峽兩岸] 台灣國語和中國普通話


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