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2010-03-09 03:11:36| 人氣1,938| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[中国] 經濟的泡沫-房地產價格飛漲!

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今天又在紐約時報讀到克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)的專欄,談的是愛爾蘭的金融危機。然而愛爾蘭與美國同樣面臨了金融危機,但是在美國造成金融危機了主要因素,幾乎都不存在愛爾蘭:沒有社區再投資法案(Community Reinvestment Act),沒有房利美(Fannie Mae),沒有房地美(Freddie Mac),既無信用違約交換(credit default swap)的衍生性金融商品,也非債務擔保證劵(collateralized debt obligation)所造成。兩者最大的共同點是:房地產價格飛漲!

看看中國摩根大通公司董事總經理李晶的說法:房價飆「是激情 不是泡沫」,深深覺得克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)在文中所說的:"let bankers do what they want is a recipe for disaster."真是有道理!


1. 一年期人民幣的價格已經上漲。
2. 不少經濟學家認為中國會適度讓人民幣升值來抑制通貨膨脹。


英文詞彙: collateralized debt obligation(CDO)
中文詞彙: 債務抵押債券;擔保債權憑證

CDO是一種以資產作抵押的證券,抵押品範圍廣泛,幾乎任何一種債務工具也可以,但主要都是以一藍子定息收入資產為主,每種資產年期和信貸風險的程度不同。假如抵押品出現拖欠,風險最大的債券組別,將首當其衝,損失最多,其後的虧損則轉由下一組別來承擔。CDO近年的結構愈益複雜,主要是抵押品種類愈來愈多,當中不少屬低流通債務,最初抵押品多數是按揭抵押證券、商業貸款、信用卡應收帳款,後來連槓杆貸款、公司債券、新興市場債券、項目融資債券也納入,令風險評估日益困難和失真。 CDO與CBO和CLO類似,但定義更廣泛,可稱為廣義的CBO或CLO(他們抵押品範圍較窄,有特定的類型)。

英文詞彙:credit default swap(CDS)

房價飆「是激情 不是泡沫」




她說,美國次級房貸危機種因於家庭貸款劇增,中國家庭債務約占國內生產毛額 (GDP)的17%,遠低於美國的96% 及歐洲的62%。近年來,中國家庭的債務水準雖然上升,但仍是從極低的基礎上竄。






中國摩根大通公司董事總經理李晶。 新華社


Op-Ed Columnist

An Irish Mirror

Published: March 7, 2010

Everyone has a theory about the financial crisis. These theories range from the absurd to the plausible — from claims that liberal Democrats somehow forced banks to lend to the undeserving poor (even though Republicans controlled Congress) to the belief that exotic financial instruments fostered confusion and fraud. But what do we really know?

Well, in a way the sheer scale of the crisis — the way it affected much, though not all, of the world — is helpful, for research if nothing else. We can look at countries that avoided the worst, like Canada, and ask what they did right — such as limiting leverage, protecting consumers and, above all, avoiding getting caught up in an ideology that denies any need for regulation. We can also look at countries whose financial institutions and policies seemed very different from those in the United States, yet which cracked up just as badly, and try to discern common causes.

So let’s talk about Ireland.

As a new research paper by the Irish economists Gregory Connor, Thomas Flavin and Brian O’Kelly points out, “Almost all the apparent causal factors of the U.S. crisis are missing in the Irish case,” and vice versa. Yet the shape of Ireland’s crisis was very similar: a huge real estate bubble — prices rose more in Dublin than in Los Angeles or Miami — followed by a severe banking bust that was contained only via an expensive bailout.

Ireland had none of the American right’s favorite villains: there was no Community Reinvestment Act, no Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. More surprising, perhaps, was the unimportance of exotic finance: Ireland’s bust wasn’t a tale of collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps; it was an old-fashioned, plain-vanilla case of excess, in which banks made big loans to questionable borrowers, and taxpayers ended up holding the bag.

So what did we have in common? The authors of the new study suggest four “ ‘deep’ causal factors.”

First, there was irrational exuberance: in both countries buyers and lenders convinced themselves that real estate prices, although sky-high by historical standards, would continue to rise.

exuberance   n.  豐富;充溢;繁茂  生氣勃勃的行動

Second, there was a huge inflow of cheap money. In America’s case, much of the cheap money came from China; in Ireland’s case, it came mainly from the rest of the euro zone, where Germany became a gigantic capital exporter.

Third, key players had an incentive to take big risks, because it was heads they win, tails someone else loses. In Ireland this moral hazard was largely personal: “Rogue-bank heads retired with their large fortunes intact.” There was a lot of this in the United States, too: as Harvard’s Lucian Bebchuk and others have pointed out, top executives at failed U.S. financial companies received billions in “performance related” pay before their firms went belly-up.

But the most striking similarity between Ireland and America was “regulatory imprudence”: the people charged with keeping banks safe didn’t do their jobs. In Ireland, regulators looked the other way in part because the country was trying to attract foreign business, in part because of cronyism: bankers and property developers had close ties to the ruling party.

cronyism  the situation in which people in power give jobs to their friends 任人唯親;任用親信

There was a lot of that here too, but the bigger issue was ideology. Actually, the authors of the Irish paper get this wrong, stressing the way U.S. politicians celebrated the ideal of homeownership; yes, they made speeches along those lines, but this didn’t have much effect on lenders’ incentives.

What really mattered was free-market fundamentalism. This is what led Ronald Reagan to declare that deregulation would solve the problems of thrift institutions — the actual result was huge losses, followed by a gigantic taxpayer bailout — and Alan Greenspan to insist that the proliferation of derivatives had actually strengthened the financial system. It was largely thanks to this ideology that regulators ignored the mounting risks.

thrift  the habit of saving money and spending it carefully so that none is wasted 節約;節儉

So what can we learn from the way Ireland had a U.S.-type financial crisis with very different institutions? Mainly, that we have to focus as much on the regulators as on the regulations. By all means, let’s limit both leverage and the use of securitization — which were part of what Canada did right. But such measures won’t matter unless they’re enforced by people who see it as their duty to say no to powerful bankers.

That’s why we need an independent agency protecting financial consumers — again, something Canada did right — rather than leaving the job to agencies that have other priorities. And beyond that, we need a sea change in attitudes, a recognition that letting bankers do what they want is a recipe for disaster. If that doesn’t happen, we will have failed to learn from recent history — and we’ll be doomed to repeat it.


The stories were taken from the websites of Taiwan's United Daily News and The New York Times, the copyright remain with their original owners.  The authors of the stories, United Daily News and The New York Times are not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.

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