This column will change your life: Sudden exposure From sunshine to oversleeping, transient, external factors can trigger all manner of reactions. Oliver Burkeman The Guardian, Saturday 31 October 2009 
烏雲密布的淡水河與基隆河匯流處。 by Frank, 2009.6.13, 台北社子島 A gloomy outlook: The arrival of dark clouds can affect our mood in more ways than one.
The British Psychological Society recently asked some of the world's leading psychologists a rather personal question: having spent so much time trying to understand people, what was the one nagging thing they still didn't understand about themselves? One respondent was Norbert Schwarz, whose many contributions to the field include the finding that
gloomy weather can make your whole life look bad. The incidental feeling that it induces colours your entire outlook, at least until you become aware that this is what's happening, whereupon the effect vanishes. "You'd think I'd learned that lesson, and now know how to deal with gloomy skies," Schwarz told the BPS ruefully. "I don't. They still get me... Why does insight into how such influences work not help us notice them when they occur?"
rue n. 1. 悲哀,悲傷,悲嘆 2. 懊悔,悔恨 3. 後悔,悔恨 4. 同情,憐憫
We can surely all empathise. I think of myself as generally happy, but every so often I'm struck by a fleeting mood of unhappiness or anxiety that quickly escalates. On a really bad day, I may spend hours stuck in angst-ridden maunderings, wondering if I need to make major changes in my life. It's usually then that I realise I've forgotten to eat lunch. One tuna sandwich later, the mood is gone. And yet, "Am I hungry?" is never my first response to feeling bad: my brain, apparently, would prefer to distress itself with reflections on the ultimate meaninglessness of human existence than to direct my body to a nearby branch of Pret A Manger.
empathise vt, vi. (使)移情,使感情移入;表同情,起共鳴
angst n. 1. 憂慮,不安,苦惱;罪惡感 2. [精神病學] 不安,苦悶
maunder vi 1. 嘮叨,咕噥 2. 閒逛,徘徊
Pret A Manger 餐廳是一家英國跨國公司食肆,美式快餐店麥當勞曾經入股投資,並開設分店至亞洲。此快餐店的顧客對象為中環白領西式生活人士,同行對手包括太平洋咖啡公司和星巴克。Pret A Manger現有職員幾千人。
There are two frustrating aspects to this. The first, as Schwarz points out, is the forgetting: knowing there's a simple fix doesn't mean you'll remember it when you need to. The other is the extraordinary power of these transient states: though in truth they might signify nothing more than moderate hunger, or the fact that it's overcast, they condition how you feel about everything. In a study entitled After The Movies, some crafty Australian researchers grilled people leaving the cinema about their views on politics and morality; they discovered that those leaving happy films were optimistic and lenient, while those leaving aggressive or sad ones were far more pessimistic and strict.
transient adj. 1. 短暫的,瞬間的,倏忽的,轉瞬即逝的
2. 虛幻的,無常的 3. 路過的 4. 暫住的
lenient adj. 1. 寬大的,寬厚的,仁慈的,憐憫的
2. (刑罰)不嚴的,鬆的,輕的
(They tried to control for the fact that different kinds of people might choose different kinds of movies in the first place.) Dutch psychologists recently found that
when people are handed a questionnaire on a clipboard, they'll take the task more seriously – giving longer and weightier answers – when the clipboard is physically heavier. Alcoholics Anonymous, meanwhile, urges its adherents to memorise the acronym
"halt", for "never too hungry, never too angry, never too lonely, never too tired", as a caution against the minor, everyday factors that can lead to dark moods, and thence to full-blown relapse.thence adv. 1. 從那裡 from thence 從那裡.
2. 由此,因此 3. 從那時起,自那以後
relapse vi. 1. 重犯 2. 重染(惡習),再次墮落
n. 1. 重犯,重陷 2. 故態復萌 3. (舊病)復發
"Life is a train of moods like a string of beads," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson, "and as we pass through them they prove to be many coloured lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each shows us only what lies in its own focus." The implications of all this, if you think too hard about it, grow dizzying: how many wars have been started, rather than averted at the last minute, because someone was underslept? How many marriage proposals accepted because it was sunny, or because the view from the observation deck was so dramatic? How many momentous decisions taken, how many life-courses altered, for want of a tuna sandwich?
hue n. 色彩顏色
avert vt. 1. 轉移(目光,注意力等),把…移到另一邊去 2. 避開(打擊、危險),防止
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