二十一世紀剛開始,新興的亞洲瀰漫著一股自由與希望的氣氛,朝鮮半島:南韓在反對黨執政後,又積極與北韓交往;東北亞緊張情勢大幅下降。台灣也選出的第一位反對黨的總統。在南方,東帝汶的獨力進入倒數階段,蘇哈托被依貪汙起訴了。在歐洲,歐元的時代即將來臨,歐洲朝著的統合方向前進著;米洛賽維奇(Slobodan Milošević)也被捉起來了,巴爾幹半島至少短期內不會在有什麼種族屠殺或滅絕的事件!世界似乎往和平光明的方向發展,實在令人興奮。雖然日本的小淵中風,繼任的森喜郎面臨倒閣,也重新組閣。(我搞不清楚是因為經濟的低迷導致內格更動頻繁,還是政治的異動頻仍,使經濟一直無法復甦。)翁山蘇姬再次被軟禁;安華除了貪污之外,又多加了一條雞姦的罪名,要多關幾年。美國因最高法院的判決,令人討厭的小布希因而當上了總統。
Kim Dae-jung, Ex-President of S. Korea, Dies at 83

Yonhap News Agency, via Reuters
Kim Dae-jung, the first opposition party leader to take power, at a rally in Seoul in 1989.
Published: August 18, 2009
SEOUL, South Korea — Kim Dae-jung (金大中), a dissident who survived a death sentence and an assassination attempt by military dictators before winning the South Korean presidency and receiving a Nobel Peace Prize, died on Tuesday. He was 83.
Mr. Kim, who had been under treatment for pneumonia since July 13, died of “heart failure caused by internal organ dysfunctions," said Park Chang-il, president of Severance Hospital.
As president from 1998 till 2003, Mr. Kim was the first opposition leader to take power in South Korea.
Once vilified by his rivals as a Communist, Mr. Kim flew to Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, in 2000 to meet that nation’s leader, Kim Jong-il (金正日), in the first summit meeting between the Koreas. That meeting led to an unprecedented détente on the divided Korean Peninsula, which remains technically at war because no peace treaty was signed at the end of the Korean War in 1953.
vilify vt. 污蔑,誹謗,中傷
détente n. 緩和,指兩國之間的關係趨於友好
Under Mr. Kim’s “sunshine policy,” the two Koreas connected roads and railways across their shared border. They jointly built an industrial park. Two million South Koreans visited a North Korean mountain resort. And in a scene televised worldwide, aging Koreans separated by the war a half century ago tearfully hugged one another in temporary family reunions.
In a message of condolence on Tuesday, President Obama called Mr. Kim “a courageous champion of democracy and human rights.”
“President Kim risked his life to build and lead a political movement that played a crucial role in establishing a dynamic democratic system in the Republic of Korea,” Mr. Obama added. Kang Won-taek, a political scientist at Soongsil University in Seoul, said Tuesday that Mr. Kim had also broken “longstanding taboos in South Korea.”
“He led the liberals to the fore of South Korean politics after decades of conservative rule, and he changed North Korea’s status among South Koreans, from an enemy to be vilified to someone that can coexist with the South and can be engaged,” Mr. Kang said.
But Mr. Kim “never overcame the limits” of an old-style South Korean political boss who had depended on and stoked regionalism and “privately owned political parties,” which he created and demolished for his own political gains, Mr. Kang said.
Forced to use a wheelchair and shuttled in and out of hospitals for treatment of pneumonia, Mr. Kim spent his last years lamenting his crumbling legacy.
Tired of giving billions of dollars of aid and trade to the Communist North but getting little in return, South Koreans in 2007 abandoned the policies of Mr. Kim and his successor,
Roh Moo-hyun (盧武鉉), by electing
Lee Myung-bak (李明博), a conservative leader who promised a tougher stance on Pyongyang.
Inter-Korean relations chilled as North Korea tested nuclear weapons, first in 2006 and again in May, and as the United States, South Korea and Japan led the call for tighter sanctions on North Korea. The government in Pyongyang retreated into belligerent isolation after years of hesitant steps toward openness, though Mr. Kim’s critics have dismissed those earlier gestures as a mere ploy by the North to wring more aid from the South.
belligerent n. 交戰國;交戰國公民[軍人];參加鬥毆的人
adj. 1. 交戰中的,交戰(國)的 2. 好戰的,好鬥的
ploy n. 1. [口] 花招,策略,手法,手段 2. [英‧口] 玩樂,嬉戲,娛樂 3. 工作
wry vt. 1. 使歪斜,扭歪,扭曲 2. 皺(面孔)顯得不快[痛苦]
vi. 歪,扭歪

Mr. Kim became
a symbol of the South Korean struggle for democracy and the dream of reconciliation, and eventual reunification, with North Korea. When the Nobel Committee awarded him the Peace Prize in 2000, it was in recognition of his struggle as a pro-democracy campaigner as well as his vision in overcoming five decades of mistrust and hostility to engineer the Korean summit meeting.
He was often praised by his Western supporters as the “Nelson Mandela of Asia,” although Mr. Kim had a more checkered reputation among his own people.
Kim Dae-jung was born on Dec. 3, 1925, to a farming family at Haeuido (荷衣島), a small island that was part of Cholla Province (全羅道) in the southwest, a region scorned by other presidents who came from the rival Kyongsang Province in the southeast.
After attending a vocational high school, Mr. Kim dabbled in running a shipping company and a newspaper. In 1961, on his fifth try, he was elected to the National Legislature. A week later, Maj. Gen.
Park Chung-hee (朴正熙) staged a coup, the beginning of his 18-year iron-fisted rule.
A skilled rabble-rouser who spoke for political freedom and for the downtrodden, Mr. Kim quickly emerged as an opposition leader and General Park’s nemesis, especially after he won 45 percent of the vote running against the incumbent dictator in his first presidential try in 1971.
His image as a persecuted dissident expanded abroad in 1973, when agents from General Park’s notorious spy agency, known at the time as the K.C.I.A., kidnapped Mr. Kim from a hotel room in Tokyo, where he was leading an exile movement for democracy in South Korea.
He later said his kidnappers had attached a weight to him aboard a boat and were about to throw him into the sea when the United States government intervened. Five days later, he was dumped, shaken and bruised, at the gate of his Seoul home and was placed under house arrest.
The harsher General Park’s rule became, the more Mr. Kim’s popularity grew — especially in Cholla, where he was able to gain up to 95 percent of the votes in elections. It was this regional loyalty that allowed him to make a comeback after each of his three failed attempts for the presidency.
Mr. Kim’s chance appeared to have come when General Park’s disgruntled spy chief assassinated the dictator in 1979. But another general, Chun Doo-hwan, seized power in another coup and arrested Mr. Kim and other leading dissidents. When people in Kwangju, the central city of Cholla, rose up, the junta sent in tanks and paratroopers. More than 200 protesters were killed, and Mr. Kim was sentenced to death on sedition charges.
disgruntle vt. 使不快;使不高興
paratrooper n. 傘兵
Again the United States intervened. Under a deal with the Reagan administration, General Chun let Mr. Kim board a plane to the United States in 1982. Three years later, he returned home, escorted by American politicians, but was placed under house arrest.
Eventually, it was not the powerful friends he made in Washington, and not even the unconditional support he commanded in Cholla, that helped him reach the presidential Blue House in 1998, his fourth run. The Asian financial crisis helped him gain the presidency, as South Koreans voted against the often corrupt conservative establishment that had ruled South Korea almost continuously since the Korean War.
Mr. Kim reshaped the economy by cleaning up debt-ridden banks and conglomerates. But he spent most of his energy on building reconciliation with North Korea, carrying out his lifelong belief that South Korea could prod the North toward openness and reduce the strain of eventual unification by first promoting gradual economic integration with injections of aid and investment.
prod vt. 1. 刺激,惹起,激發(回憶) 2. 刺針,刺棒 3. 刺,戳
His best moments came in June 2000, when Kim Jong-il hugged him at the Pyongyang airport and escorted him through the Communist capital, where hundreds of thousands were mobilized in their holiday best to wave flowers at the visitor from the South.
Mr. Kim spent his last months in office in a grim mood, however. The North Korean leader never kept his promise to make a return visit to Seoul. Nor did he give up his nuclear program.
Two of Mr. Kim’s three sons were sent to prison for corruption. And a special investigator with a parliamentary mandate found that
Mr. Kim’s government had helped funnel $500 million to North Korea in dubious business deals shortly before the 2000 summit meeting, fueling opposition accusations that he had “bribed” the Communist leader and strengthened his chances to win the peace prize.
funnel vt. 使成漏斗狀;把…灌進漏斗;集中(精力等),使匯集 vi. 如漏斗狀變窄[開闊];流經漏斗[窄口子] n. 漏斗;(漏斗形的)通風筒,(機車、輪船等的)採光筒;煙囪dubious adj. (人)對…半信半疑的; (買賣)靠不住的;(意思等)曖昧的;
Mr. Kim is survived by his sons and his wife, Lee Hee-ho.
金大中逝世/陽光政策 促兩韓和平【聯合晚報╱國際新聞組/綜合報導】 2009.08.18 02:38 pm
南韓前總統 金大中去世【聯合晚報╱編譯范振光/綜合報導】2009.08.18 02:38 pm
金大中在當地下午1時35分開始心臟衰竭,幾分鐘後心跳停止,醫院搶救無效,於1時43分 (台灣時間中午12時43分)宣告死亡。
熱門話題 > 南韓民主推手 金大中辭世 金大中逝世 韓政壇「三金」時代落幕2009/8/18

金大中和前總統金泳三、前國務總理金鐘泌,在南韓政壇被稱為「時敵時友」的「三金」。尤其,金大中於2003年2月25日自第15任總統卸任退出政壇後, 仍然被南韓全羅道民眾奉為「神格化」的人物,這也正是他一直干涉政治、甚至嫡派親信於他住院期間聚集在醫院,被指責為等待接班的主要原因。
1924年1月6日出生於南韓西南部全羅南道荷衣島的金大中,於1950年北韓南侵全羅道木浦期間,曾被北韓軍隊俘虜,關押於木浦中學操場等待處決。適逢美國麥克阿瑟 (McArthur)將軍率領的聯軍登陸仁川,駐守於木浦的北韓軍隊匆忙北逃,金大中得以倖免。
但嚮往民主化的南韓國民,為「三金」營造了政治活動的空間。透過1987年6 月的民主化抗爭,當時的總統全斗煥終於發表了「6.29民主化宣言」,同意修憲並引進了總統直選制。
1990年,金泳三和金鐘泌參與和執政黨聯手的「三黨統合」(民主正義黨、統一民主黨和新民主共和黨的合黨),並成立巨大的執政黨民主自由黨。金泳三希望 當選執政黨的總統候選人,而金鐘泌為了推進內閣制修憲而參與其中。金大中雖然也得到民自黨的建議,但並未參與合黨。
隨著金泳三當選總統,「三金」政治表面上似乎落幕,但是這只是另一個階段的開始。金泳三和金鐘泌作為執政黨民自黨的總裁和最高委員代表建立合作關係,但金鐘泌在金泳三民主陣營下台的壓力下,於1995年退出民自黨,並於同年3 月成立以忠清為根據地的自由民主聯盟。
1996年,「三金」在第15屆國會選舉再次相遇。金泳三率領的執政黨新韓國黨,獲得未過半的139 席,而金大中和自民聯分別獲得79席和50席。
被金泳三遺棄的金鐘泌在1997年的第15屆大選前,與金大中聯手,並透過所謂「DJP」 (DJ代表「大中」;JP代表「鐘泌」)聯盟,統一在野黨候選人。金大中在四次參加競選後,終於成功當選,而金鐘泌成為金大中政府的第一任國務總理。