先看看哥本哈根城市裡單車的使用情形吧,這是我用關鍵字 bike, Copenhagen 在 youtube 上找到的。哥本哈根的城市單車,Bycyklen在1995年就開始服役了。除了環保的訴求之外,Bycyklen 最主要是希望減少私有單車的增加,與減少單車的竊案。要看過上面引用的影片才會理解為什麼要減少私有單車的增加。在維基百科的 Bicycle sharing system 條目中,Bycyklen是第一個的單車經過特別設計,它的零件無法用在其他的車上。為了防竊與維修方便,單車的設計也只有一速。Bycyklen自行籌措財源,最主要是來自商業贊助。一些商家可以把產品的廣告放在這些車上。比起巴黎或里昂的公共自行車系統,哥本哈根的城市單車系統簡單多了。他的設計就像是在超市裡用手推車一般,只要在停車架上選一部自行車,然後投20元的丹麥硬幣(約台幣125元左右),就可以把車騎走了,當你把車又還回停車架時,20元的硬幣就退回來。根本哈根市區裡有2,000部車,110個停車架。規則也很簡單: 不能騎到行人徒步區不能騎上斑馬線不能騎上人行道不能騎進公園天黑後不能騎靠右行要愛惜車子不可以上自己的鎖不可以騎出規定的範圍 Photo was taken from Bikeoff.org好處是:免費服務。容易使用。不用事先註冊,人人都可以使用。有專門維修場所,也有巡迴維修服務。缺點:一直都有單車被竊,或待修的問題。功能完善且維護良好的單車不易找。單車的設計笨重。服務提供者是 Fonden Bycyklen (København, Værkstedsvej 5 DK-2500 Valby) 設計者:Wilhelm and Niels Christiansen(photo was taken from Wikipedia, "Bicycle sharing system")這是在Youtube找到的一則使用 Bycyklen 的短片。參考資料:1. 官方網站:bycyklen 2. Wikipedia "Bicycle Sharing System" 3. Bikeoff 網站的 "Bycyklen Copenhagen" THE CITY BIKE AND COPENHAGENThe city bikes in Copenhagen are world famous. When you tour the city you notice, that especially tourists love riding the city bikes. Some even regard them as the major tourist attraction of Copenhagen! But don't get surprised, if you see an officially looking clerk on a city bike on his way to the office. The copenhageners themselves do some times use "bycyklen" as a quick alternative to cars, buses and taxis, when they want to get around in City.The city bikes are Copenhagen! This is emphasized by the fact, thata city bike was the official gift from The City of Copenhagen to the American president, when he visited Copenhagen in 1997. Bill Clinton recieved a specially designed city bike called "City Bike One".The city bikes are also a story about our town. They tell you that Copenhagen City is a little big green (horizontal!) town, in which youeasily get around. The cool yet funny design of the city bikes illustrates our playing approach to city-life.City bikes give job-training"Bycykelservice" maintains the city bikes. "Bycykelservice" is adepartement in the rehabilitation agency of Copenhagen. It trainsaround 30 rehabilitees. During a 6 month-training program the rehabilitee qualifies for a job on normal conditions. The program is asucces. Around 80% of the rehabilitees get a job afterwards, mainly as lorry drivers or bicycle repairers.Environmental transportationTo encourage even more citizens to use their bicycle for transportation, The City of Copenhagen systematically expands the net of bicycle lanes and routes. Hence, you can get faster around in City by bicycle than by car or bus!We see the city bikes as a positive, dynamic supplement to thistraffic structure. The city bikes highlight the status of Copenhagen asone of the leading bicycle-cities in the world!THE NOBLE ART OF CITY BIKINGFor free you can almost without any restraints use the citybikes allover the inner city of Copenhagen. You only need a 20 DKK-coin for deposit. You put the coin in the locker of the city bike. You will get it back, when you put the city bike in one of the 110 city bike-racks.Remember the traffic regulations:Don't bike in pedestrian streets Don't bike in zebra crossings Don't bike on sidewalks Don't bike in parks Don't bike after dark (no lamps on the citybikes) Keep to the right City bike respectfully!Basicly the citybikes of Copenhagen are under public protection. No protection=no city bikes! Hence, take good care of the citybikes. Don't lock them with your own locker. The citybikes are for everybody.Don't ride the citybike out of the citybike-zone.Just follow these few rules, and you will become a noble artist of city biking in Copenhagen.HAVE FUN!!FACTSWe have - 2.000 city bikes- 110 city bike-racks in City- 1 bicycle repairshop only for city bikes- 4 mobile city bike-repairshops - for reparations on the spotThe article in English was taken from the official website of Bycyklen Copenhagen. And photos were taken from the websites of Bycyklen Copenhagen, Wikipedia and Bikeoff. The copyright of article and photos remain with their original owners. Bycyklen Copenhagen is not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.
The city bikes in Copenhagen are world famous. When you tour the city you notice, that especially tourists love riding the city bikes. Some even regard them as the major tourist attraction of Copenhagen!
But don't get surprised, if you see an officially looking clerk on a city bike on his way to the office. The copenhageners themselves do some times use "bycyklen" as a quick alternative to cars, buses and taxis, when they want to get around in City.
The city bikes are Copenhagen! This is emphasized by the fact, thata city bike was the official gift from The City of Copenhagen to the American president, when he visited Copenhagen in 1997. Bill Clinton recieved a specially designed city bike called "City Bike One".
The city bikes are also a story about our town. They tell you that Copenhagen City is a little big green (horizontal!) town, in which youeasily get around. The cool yet funny design of the city bikes illustrates our playing approach to city-life.
City bikes give job-training
"Bycykelservice" maintains the city bikes. "Bycykelservice" is adepartement in the rehabilitation agency of Copenhagen. It trainsaround 30 rehabilitees. During a 6 month-training program the rehabilitee qualifies for a job on normal conditions. The program is asucces. Around 80% of the rehabilitees get a job afterwards, mainly as lorry drivers or bicycle repairers.
Environmental transportation
To encourage even more citizens to use their bicycle for transportation, The City of Copenhagen systematically expands the net of bicycle lanes and routes. Hence, you can get faster around in City by bicycle than by car or bus!
We see the city bikes as a positive, dynamic supplement to thistraffic structure. The city bikes highlight the status of Copenhagen asone of the leading bicycle-cities in the world!
For free you can almost without any restraints use the citybikes allover the inner city of Copenhagen. You only need a 20 DKK-coin for deposit. You put the coin in the locker of the city bike. You will get it back, when you put the city bike in one of the 110 city bike-racks.
Remember the traffic regulations:
Basicly the citybikes of Copenhagen are under public protection.
No protection=no city bikes! Hence, take good care of the citybikes.
Don't lock them with your own locker. The citybikes are for everybody.
Don't ride the citybike out of the citybike-zone.
Just follow these few rules, and you will become a noble artist of city biking in Copenhagen.
We have - 2.000 city bikes- 110 city bike-racks in City- 1 bicycle repairshop only for city bikes- 4 mobile city bike-repairshops - for reparations on the spot