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這算是名人軼事之類的報導,The World’s Worst Sons,美國的外交政策雜誌(Foreign Policy)選了五個最令他們領袖父母頭痛的兒子,這些領袖是可以說世界上最有權力的人之一,但是卻也無法管好自己的兒子。

1, 伊莎·納揚 (Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan)-前阿布達比國王與阿拉伯聯合大公國總統薩耶·納揚 (Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan)的兒子


2, 金正男-北韓領導人金正日的長子

持假護照與妻、子要去日本的狄斯耐樂園,在成田機場被日本海關攔下。此舉大大地丟金家的臉,他也因此失去了接班人的地位。(現在檯面上的接班人看來是三子金正雲Kim Jong Un) (朝鮮日報中文網作:金正銀)

3, 漢尼拔·格達費-利比亞總統穆阿邁爾·格達費的兒子


4, 胡海峰-胡錦濤的兒子


5, 馬克·柴契爾-英國前首相鐵娘子柴契爾夫人的兒子


La lista de los cinco peores hijos del mundo

La revista 'Foreign Policy' publica una relación con los descendientes más díscolos de los líderes del mundo

ELPAÍS.com - Madrid - 04/08/2009

Algunos de los mandatarios más poderosos del mundo dictan a diario órdenes trascendentes que sus súbditos deben acatar, pero aún así los hay que no pueden meter en vereda ni a sus propios hijos. La revista Foreign Policy ha publicado un especial en su página web con la lista de los cinco hijos que más quebraderos de cabeza dan a los líderes mundiales.

vereda  nf.  lane, path
quebradero  nm  worry   no hace más que darme quebraderos de cabeza.
                                   he′s just one big headache to me.

Eljeque Issa Bin Zayed Al Nayhan: Es el hijo del difunto presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, gobernado actualmente por su hermano Jalifay regenta una promotora inmobiliaria. Un vídeo de la cadena estadounidense ABC le muestra torturando a un comerciante afgano decereales al que acusa de haberle engañado. En el vídeo Issa dispara unarma automática alrededor del hombre, le llena la boca de arena, lo sodomiza con una picana eléctrica como las del ganado, le prende fuego y derrama sal sobre sus heridas sangrantes.

difunto         adj.  late, deceased
regentar          vt. to (un negocio) run, manage.  (un cargo) to hold
promotor, -ora    nm/f   promoter, developer
inmobiliaria       nf  real estate agency, company
cadena           nf  chain,  (TV) channel
derramar     vt  to spill, shed, scatter

Kim Jong Nam: Es el hijo mayor, con 38 años, del Querido Líder de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong Il. Estaba destinado a sucederle, pero cayó en desgracia tras ser detenido en el aeropuerto de Tokyo bajo una identidad falsa con la intención de viajar a Disneylandia. Toda una humillación familiar.

Aníbal Gaddafi: Es el hijo de Muammar al Gaddafi, el máximo dirigente de Libia desde 1969. En su historial de noches conflictivas figura una en que fue detenido por unos gendarmes en París por conducir su Porsche por los Campos Elíseos a más de 140 kilómetros por hora, en dirección contraria y borracho.

borradcho  adj.  drunk

Hu Haifeng: Hijo de 38 años del presidente chino, Hu Jintao, y presidente de la compañía de escáneres industriales Nuctech. Su nombre está vinculado a un escánda lo de corrupción en Namibia donde la Fiscalía ha acusado a la empresa por sobornar afuncionarios con el fin de obtener un contrato para su ministrar escáneres a los aeropuertos y aduanas del país.

vincular  vt  to link, connect
aduana   nf   customs, duty

Mark Thatcher: El hijo de 56 años de la ex primera ministra británica Margaret Thatcher, fue detenido en 2004 en Suráfrica por financiar un intento de golpe de Estado en la rica en petróleo Guinea Ecuatorial.


The World’s Worst Sons

The troublesome progeny giving headaches to some of the most powerful leaders on the planet.

progeny     n.1. 子孫,後裔,子女,後繼者 2. 成果,結果



AFP/Getty Images

Dad: The late former ruler of Abu Dhabi and former president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan

Age: Unknown

Badbehavior: Although he has no formal government position, Sheikh Issa, whose brother Khalifa is the current ruler of Abu Dhabi, is one of the emirate’s most prominent real estate developers. He was previously best known for building the Al Hakema tower, a massive complex in honor ofhis late father. But thanks to one night in the desert and an ill-advised videotape, Sheikh Issa’s name is now synonymous with sadism and abuse of power.

sadism         n.
1. [精神病學] 性虐待(行為),性虐待狂屬性變態的一種,以虐待性愛對象而獲得性滿足
2. (泛指)虐待狂;極其殘忍 "

Avideo obtained by ABC News shows a group of men, including the sheikh, torturing an Afghan grain merchant who he accuses of cheating him. In the video, which was allegedly shot on his desert ranch at night, Issafires an automatic weapon around the man, stuffs sand in his mouth, sodomizes him with an electric cattle prod, lights him on fire, and pours salt on his bleeding wounds.

The video was given to ABC by one of Issa’s former business associates, who is suing over various business deals.  The man claims to have evidence of 25 other cases of torture by Issa. The UAE’s interior minister -- who happens to also beIssa’s brother -- acknowledged that the man on the tape was him. Issa has been put under house arrest pending investigation, which is extremely rare for a member of the royal family. It will take a lot more than a skyscraper to erase this stain from the family’s reputation.


HO/AFP/Getty Images

Dad: North Korean leader Kim Jong Il

Age: 38

Bad behavior: Growing up can’t be easy when your father is an eccentric, nuclear-armed egomaniac, especially knowing that your actress mother was forced to divorce her husband and marry him after the Dear Leader got a crush. You can’t really blame Kim Jong Nam for wanting to get away for a while, but an ill-advised trip to Disneyland proved to be the prodigal son’s downfall.  In 2001, Nam, along with his wife and son,was arrested at Tokyo’s Narita airport for trying to enter Japan with a fake Dominican passport bearing the name Pang Xiong, which means “Fat Bear” in Chinese.  He reportedly told police, "I wanted to go to Disneyland."

The incident was a major humiliation for Nam’s father, who at the time was riding a rare wave of good press after a visit to Europe and a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright.  Nam was reportedly being groomed as a possible successor, but fell out of favor after his failed bid to meet Mickey. Nam’s younger brother Kim Jong Un is reportedly now next in line.

A man believed to be Nam gave an interview to a Japanese TV station while on a gambling vacation in Macau last month and said he is “not interested” in who will become ruler.  Nam denied he had been exiled, saying he was just in Macau for fun.



Dad: Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi

Age: 33

Bad behavior: Colonel Qaddafi has changed his tune quite a bit in recent years, leading a diplomatic offensive to remake his country’s image and improve relations with the West.  But his biggest obstacle in this quest may be his hard-partying son Hannibal, who has cut a swathe of destruction across Western Europe worthy of his namesake.

swathe      vt 包紮;包圍,包裹      n.  繃帶,包布
namesake   n. 同名的人[東西];(尤指)以他人名字取名的人

Hannibal first popped up on police radar screens in 2004 when he was pulled over by Paris police for driving his Porsche 90 miles per hour on the wrong side of the Champs Élysées while drunk.  Hannibal, who was studying business in Copenhagen at the time, was released due to diplomatic immunity. Two months later, police were called to a Paris hotel after Hannibal started beating his girlfriend. The younger Qaddafi pulled out a hand gun, which was promptly confiscated by police. After he was released, police were again called when Hannibal started breaking furniture at another hotel.  He was later charged with assault.

Not having learned his lesson about luxury hotels and aggravated assault, Hannibal was arrested in Switzerland last year for beating two of his servants at a hotel in Geneva.  Muammar responded as any concerned father would -- by lodging a formal diplomatic protest and expelling Swiss diplomats.



Dad: Chinese President Hu Jintao (shown right, meeting with Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba in better times)

Age: 38

Bad behavior: Until this year, few outside of China had ever heard of Haifeng. The president of the industrial scanner company Nuctech, he likely used his father’s connections to make his fortune, winning a lucrative contract to supply security scanners to China’s airports.  Until this month, he had mostly kept his name out of the papers. Then,in July, Namibia’s government named Nuctech as the target of a major corruption investigation.

Namibian prosecutors have accused Nuctech of bribing officials to win a contract to supply the country’s airports and customs stations with scanners. Although Haifeng has not been named as a suspect, Namibia’s prosecutor general has personally traveled to Bejing to request that he testify in the trial as a witness.

The case capped off a bad month for Hu Jintao, who had been forced to return from home from the G-8 summit in Rome to deal with riots in Xinjiang. Since news of the scandal broke, there’s been a near-complete media blackout on the story in China.  The government has reportedly instructed search engines to “show no search results for all the keywords: Hu Haifeng, Namibia, Namibia bribery investigation, Nuctech bribery investigation, southern Africa bribery investigation.” The fact that Haifeng’s brother-in-law is the founder of China’s largest search engine should help.

Mark Thatcher

AFP/Getty Images

Mom: Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Age: 56

Bad behavior: The Iron Lady’s dilettante son first made headlines in 1982 when he got lost in the Sahara Desert for four days while competing in the Paris-Dakar motor rally.  But the accident-prone young man, whofailed his accountancy exams three times, later acquired a fortune byparlaying his mother and his heiress wife’s contacts into a number oflucrative ventures in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

dilettante    n., adj. 1. 藝術愛好者尤指業餘(藝術)愛好者  2. 半吊子
parlay    vt, vi,  將(贏金連賭本)再下作賭注;使增加,使增值;成功的利用(資產、才能)
                  n.  賭本和贏金全部押上的連續賭

In2004, Sir  was arrested in his home in Cape Town, South Africa, forviolating the country’s anti-mercenary laws by financing an attemptedcoup in Equatorial Guinea. Thatcher denies any knowledge of the coupplot but later admitted chartering a helicopter used by themercenaries, supposedly without any knowledge of their intentions. Hewas fined $500,000 and left South Africa.

Thatcher has hadtrouble finding a new place to settle. He was denied a visa to travelto the United States after admitting his role in the coup, and evenMonaco -- famously a “sunny place for shady people” -- denied hisapplication for residency in the midst of a campaign to clean up itsimage.

捲入詐欺案 胡錦濤長子遭納國調查

【聯合報╱編譯王麗娟/綜合報導】                         2009.07.21 05:30 am


  * 國際媒體皆稱貪汙或賄賂:對那米比亞官員而言是貪污,對胡海峰及其公司是賄賂。為顧及領導人聲譽,在第二段才提及貪污、行賄 。









以上三篇文章分別摘自西班牙「國家報」(El País)、美國「對外政策」(Foreign Policy, FP)與台灣的「聯合報」網頁,其版權仍維原版權主所有,上述三家媒體與這些報導的作者並無參與本部落格之製作,亦無意為本部落格內容背書。

The stories were taken from "El País" of Spain, "Foreign Policy" of US and United Daily News of Taiwan.  The copyright of these stories remain with their original owners.  El País, Foreign Policy as well as United Daily News are not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.

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