上周六(2009.6.27)妮娜‧安娜尼亞舒薇莉(Nina Ananiashvili)與美國芭蕾舞團 (ABT, American Ballet Theater)演出全本的天鵝湖,這是安娜妮亞希薇莉的告別之作。紐約時報有麥考萊(Alastair Macaulay)的評論-天鵝之歌(Swan Song),我設了連結,有興趣的話,可以直接點閱。還有這場演出的照片集,圖文並茂,生動有趣,我把它轉載於下。

The ballerina Nina Ananiashvili gave her farewell performance with American Ballet Theater on Saturday, in the full-length "Swan Lake."

Alastair Macaulay writes of Ms. Ananiashvili: "Other ballerinas are no less admired, but she, singularly endearing, is singularly cherished."

A scene from "Swan Lake."

Ms. Ananiashvili with her partner, Angel Corella.

"It was moving to observe the bond of emotion that existed between ballerina and ensemble, making 'Swan Lake' (even in Ballet Theater's foolish production) a perfect vehicle for this farewell."

"When her little daughter, Helene, was brought on, her maternal solicitude was in a different key, but still lighthearted."

"Flower-petal confetti exploded onto the stage from either side."

"Curtain calls continued before the house's gold curtains, with Ms. Ananiashvili now close to tears, now deftly catching bouquets with one hand, now creating yet further comedy."

"Ms. Ananiashvili made the curtain calls into the climax of the evening and, indeed, the season."
All photos: Erin Baiano for The New York Times
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