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[Luxembourg] 歐盟在位最久的政府領袖-容克

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為什麼是政府領袖呢?因為歐洲仍有許多君主立憲國家,國家領袖是國王或女王。像西班牙的首相,他的頭銜是 President of the Government of Spain (Presidente del Gobierno de España),明白指出該職為政府領袖。


以下的資料取自Wikipedia英文版(除GDP資料轉載自美國政府CIA網站的 World Factbook)。我嘗試在BBC和The New York Times裡找他的介紹,都沒找到,或許是沒仔細找。在一個成熟的民主國家,可以擔任這麼久的領袖,且40歲就擔任首相,我對Juncker真是感到好奇。我會繼續留意這位容克先生的相關報導,如果有關於其為人處事的報導,我再轉載在此。


國土面積:  2,586.3平方公里(世界第167名)
地理最高點: 布爾格普拉茲峰:海拔550公尺
官方語言:  盧森堡語、德語、法語
人口 總人口:  468,571人(2005年估計)(世界第163名)
人口密度:      181/km2(世界第45名)
政治體制:    君主立憲大公國、議會民主制
國家領導人:    國家元首:大公:亨利
政府首腦:   首相:讓-克洛德·容克
經濟實力:   GDP - per capita (PPP): $81,100 (2008 est.)
                      country comparison to the world: 3
                      $81,600 (2007 est.)
                      $79,100 (2006 est.) note: data are in 2008 US dollars

Jean-Claude Juncker (born 9 December 1954) is a Luxembourgian politician, the leader of the Christian Social People's Party. He is the incumbent Prime Minister of Luxembourg, having succeeded Jacques Santer on January 20, 1995. He is also currently Luxembourg's Minister for Finances, a position that he has held since 14 July 1989. He has served two six-month terms as President of the European Council in 1997 and 2005.

Early life and education

Juncker was born in Redange and spent most of his childhood in Belvaux. His father had fought in World War II after being forcibly recruited into the Wehrmacht, and was a steelworker and a member of the Confederation of Christian Trade Unions. Juncker studied at Clairefontaine in Belgium before returning to Luxembourg to attain his baccalaureate in the Lycée Michel Rodange. Around that time, in 1974, he joined the Christian Social People's Party. Juncker went on to study law at the University of Strasbourg, attaining a Master of Law degree in 1979. Although he was sworn into the Luxembourg Bar Council in 1980, he never practiced as a lawyer.

baccalaureate [.bækə'lɔːrɪɪt] n. 大學學士

Early political career

Juncker returned to Luxembourg, and his oratory skills earned him a promotion to the position of Parliamentary Secretary. He earned election to the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg for the first time in 1984 and immediately took the office of Minister for Labour under Jacques Santer. This led to a chairpersons' role at a number of meetings of the Council of the European Communities, where Juncker's pro-Europe credentials first emerged.

Shortly before the 1989 election, Juncker was seriously injured in a road traffic accident, spending two weeks in a coma. He nonetheless recovered in time to be returned to the Chamber of Deputies once more, picking up the Finance portfolio along with his Ministry of Labour post. The Ministry of Finance post is traditionally seen as a rite of passage to the premiership of the country, and his eventual promotion to Prime Minister seemed at this time inevitable, with political commentators concluding that Santer was grooming Juncker as his heir. Juncker at this time accepted the position of Governor of the World Bank.

Ascent to premiership

Juncker's second election to Parliament saw him gain prominence in the European Union. Juncker chaired the Council of Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN), becoming a key architect of the Maastricht Treaty. Juncker was largely responsible for clauses on economic and monetary union (the process that would eventually give rise to the Euro) and was himself a signatory to the treaty in 1992, by which time he had taken over as parliamentary leader of the Christian Social People's Party.

Juncker was re-elected to the Chamber in 1994, maintaining both his ministerial roles. With Jacques Santer ready to be nominated as the next President of the European Commission, it was only six months later, on 20 January 1995, that Grand Duke Jean approved the appointment of Juncker as Prime Minister, as part of a coalition with the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party. Juncker relinquished his post at the World Bank at this time (swapping it for governorship of the International Monetary Fund) but maintained his previous ministerial positions; he was now the Minister of State, of Labour and Employment and of the Treasury.

Prime Minister

Juncker with then President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Luxembourg on 24 May 2007.

Juncker's first term as Prime Minister was focused on an economic platform of international bilateral ties to improve Luxembourg's profile abroad, which included a number of official visits abroad. During one such visit, to Dublin in December 1996, Juncker successfully mediated a dispute over his own EU Economic and Monetary Union policy between French president Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The press dubbed Juncker the Hero of Dublin for achieving an unlikely consensus between the two.

1997 brought the rotating Presidency of the European Council to Luxembourg for the first time in Juncker's administration. Juncker championed the cause of social integration in Europe, along with constituting the so-called "Luxembourg Process" for integrated European policy against unemployment. He also instigated the "Euro 11", an informal group of European finance ministers for matters regarding his Economic and Monetary Union ideals. For all of these initiatives, he was honored with the Vision for Europe Award in 1998.

       instigate vt. 1. 慫恿(某人),教唆,唆使 2. 煽動[挑起](暴動、反叛等)

Juncker succeeded in winning another term as Prime Minister in the 1999 elections, although the coalition with the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party was broken in favour of one with the Democratic Party. After the 2004 elections, the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party became the second largest party again, and Juncker again formed a coalition with them. Shortly after re-election, Juncker found himself misinformed at a European Union summit over the condition of then-ailing Palestinian National Authority leader Yasser Arafat. Juncker mistakenly announced his death prematurely, before retracting the claim citing misunderstanding.

Prime Minister Juncker meets United States President George W. Bush.

In 2005, Juncker inherited a second term as European President. Shortly after the expiration of his term came Luxembourg's referendum on ratification, and Juncker staked his political career on its success, promising to resign if the referendum failed. The final result was a 56.5% Yes vote on an 88% turnout. His continued allegiance to European ideals earned him the 2006 Karlspreis.*

allegiance n.(封建時代的)臣服;(對政府、國家等的)忠誠;(對個人、集團、信條、學說等的)擁戴

* The Karlspreis (English: Charlemagne Prize; since 1988 Internationaler Karlspreis zu Aachen, International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen) - An international prize for the most valuable contribution in the services of Western European understanding and work for the community, and in the services of humanity and world peace. This contribution may be in the field of literary, scientific, economic or political endeavour. It commemorates Charlemagne, ruler of the Frankish Empire and founder of what became the Holy Roman Empire, who resided and is buried at Aachen. It has been awarded once a year since 1950

In 2009, he denounced the lifting of the excommunication of controversial bishop Richard Williamson, a member of the Society of Saint Pius X.

excommunication n. [教會] 革除教籍(狀),逐出教會;除名


Juncker assumed the precidency of the Eurogroup on 1 January 2005. Juncker is currently the longest-serving head of government of any European Union state. It is often suggested in the press that he, like his predecessor Santer, will eventually give up his position as Prime Minister to assume the presidency of the European Commission, but Juncker continues to deny he has any plans to resign.

台長: frank

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