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[革命家] 美國革命之父-湯瑪斯·潘恩

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切·格瓦拉 (Che Guevara, 本名 Ernesto Guevara, Che 為阿根廷和南美人們用來表示親切的稱呼。) 的叛逆形相讓他成為了上一個世紀的偶像,經常可以看到有人穿著印著他肖像的T-shirt, 這位革命英雄的浪漫情懷,也深深的吸引著年輕的熱情。

Che Guevara     (photo taken from Wikipedia)

在BBC的專欄中讀到這位被譽為美國革命之父的湯瑪斯·潘恩,他是早了 Che Guevara近200年的革命英雄。他是革命家,也是思想家。至於是否和 Che Guevara 一樣,拿起武器,參加古巴、剛果和玻利維亞的革命就不得而知。但在美國獨立之後,從他又赴法國宣揚革命理念而為拿破崙所推崇的這件事實來看,他至少是個有行動力,劍及履及的思想家。

美國革命之父-湯瑪斯·潘恩  (portrait taken from Wikipedia)

革命家的遠見與行動力總是無法見容於著眼現實的政治人物,所以 Thomas Paine 與美國的建國者漸行漸遠,Che Guevara 也與卡斯楚歧見愈來愈深。不過相較於 Guevara 被美國中情局暗殺,至少 Paine 還能安葬於紐約的格林威治村。


Thomas Paine 我新認識的英雄人物,一個和 Che Guevara 一樣的革命家,理想主義者。

Page last updated at 11:44 GMT, Monday, 8 June 2009 12:44 UK
Who was Thomas Paine?
By Brendan O'Neill

It's 200 years since the British-born "father of the American revolution" died. His words also helped shape modern Britain and France and yet few people know much about him at all.

Remembered... in Norfolk at least

"Possibly the most influential writer in modern human history" - that's the billing Thomas Paine got from one of his biographers.

billing n. 1. 演員表[節目順序];演員在演員表上的位置 2. 廣告,宣傳

Paine was an international bestseller long before the days of Dan Brown or Jackie Collins and is the only Brit to have been quoted in Barack Obama's inauguration speech earlier this year.

There are statues of him in Paris and New Jersey and a monument to him in New York - though we still haven't reached a situation where, as the nineteenth-century French leader Napoleon said, "a statue of gold should be erected to him in every city in the universe".

Yet no high-level commemorations of his death have been planned. His writings rarely appear on the national curriculum in the UK. And ask a man or woman in the average British street who he is, and they are likely to reply "Er…"

Just who was Thomas Paine?

Born in Thetford, Norfolk, in 1737 (there is a statue of him there, too), Paine's early adult life as a corset-maker and school teacher was largely unmarked by politics. But it was his subsequent job as an excise officer that inspired him to pen his first political work - a 21-page pamphlet that demanded better pay and conditions for his fellow workers.

corset n. (女用)緊身褡

A chance meeting with Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the US, in London in 1774 changed Paine's life - and, in time, American history. Following Franklin's advice to cross the Atlantic, Paine pitched up in America in November 1774, just as American revolutionaries were having heated debates about whether to break with Britain.

Common (sense) man

Paine threw his lot in with those Americans who were thirsting for independence from Britain. In January 1776 he published a short pamphlet that earned him the title "The Father of the American Revolution".

Thomas Paine in 1792

Titled simply, Common Sense, the work has been described by the Pulitzer-winning historian Gordon S Wood as "the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire [American] revolutionary period". It put the case for democracy, against the monarchy, and for American independence from British rule.

It became a sensation, selling 120,000 copies in the first three months. Given that America had only two million free citizens at the time, that is the equivalent of an American author selling 15 million books in three months today.

It also altered history.

"In January 1776, only one third of the delegates to the Continental Congress [the political body of the American Revolution] were in favour of declaring independence from Britain," says Cheryl Hudson, associate fellow at the Rothermere American Institute at Oxford University.

"Then, Paine published Common Sense which argued for immediate and complete separation of the colonies from the 'mother country'. His visionary and uncompromising words captured the public imagination, and under pressure from the people, individual colonies began to instruct their delegates to vote for independence."

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence followed soon after.

Cited by Obama

Not content with intellectually spearheading the case for American independence Paine went on to write a series of pro-revolutionary pamphlets, which were later published together as The American Crisis.

spearhead vt. 帶頭,當…的先鋒

They were designed to lift the spirits of America's supporters of independence in difficult times, and 200 years later were invoked by Barack Obama with a similar aim in mind. Though this time the difficulty lay in economic recession rather than a revolutionary war.

invoke vt. 1 祈求(上帝、聖人等的)保佑 2. 援引(權威、神聖)的條文
3. 訴諸於(法律);行使(法權) 4. 乞求,懇求(幫助等) 5. 用符咒召(魂靈)

"Let it be told to the future world... that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive... that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet [it]", said Obama at his inauguration speech, taking his words from Paine's Crisis No 1.

Paine worked in various positions in America's early revolutionary government. But he was never accepted as one of the founding fathers largely because his restless spirit and appetite for revolution led him to another mass revolt, this time in France.

But while Paine was elected to France's first democratic parliament and Napoleon Bonaparte numbered among his fans, his next pamphlet, The Age of Reason, was a step too far for many of his early admirers.

An attack on organised religion and a defence of "free and rational inquiry", the work saw him subtly edged out of founding father status in the US. When he died on 8 June 1809 in Greenwich Village, New York, there were only six mourners at his funeral.

Today, though, his legacy is enjoying a rehabilitation.

Harvey Kaye, a professor at the University of Wisconsin and author of Thomas Paine and the Promise of America, says Paine is "possibly the most influential writer in modern human history".

"His words changed the world. His voice was essentially a voice of democratic progress."

Constant revolutionary

"And he is still relevant today", says Kaye. "He put the case for political democracy AND social democracy, arguing in The Rights of Man that young people and the elderly should be afforded financial security by their governments. These welfare ideals are under attack right now, in our era of recession."

Reactions to the Rights of Man as documented on an engraving

Katherine Mangu-Ward, associate editor of the right-leaning, Washington-based magazine Reason, says Paine is enjoying a comeback amongst both left-wing and right-wing American thinkers.

"Everyone wants a piece of Paine these days. After languishing in obscurity for years, he's enjoying a renaissance. He's the Mickey Rourke of the Founders.

"The left loves him because he hated the Church. The right loves him because he's a freedom-loving founding father."

Cheryl Hudson of Oxford University says Paine, the history-shaping Brit, should be taught more widely in British schools: "At the centre of his thought was a profound trust in the people and in their 'common sense'. He encouraged the public's aspirations for a better, more democratic world and he expressed his support in a rigorous and robust vernacular style.

vernacular adj.1. 本國的,本地區的       2. 當地的,鄉土的,地方性的
                     3. (用)本國語的,(用)本地語的,(用)方言的
                     4. (建築、藝術等)民間風格的,地方色彩的

"Today, political leaders on both sides of the Atlantic pay lip service to concepts like 'personal empowerment' but Paine truly believed in the transformative power that the people could and should wield."

Tantalising words, especially amid the current crisis in public trust of parliament. Chad Goodwin, chair of the Thomas Paine Society, says his hero would have been "astounded that we still have a hereditary monarchy... not to mention an unelected upper chamber".

tantalise  vt. 惹弄,逗引,使倍嘗可望而不可即之苦

But this scandal unfolded in Britain's highest elected chamber - the House of Commons.

"Paine thought just because something seemed to be working, on whose behalf was it working? He was a constant revolutionary, " says Mr Goodwin. "He believed that government shouldn't be fixed and that it was up to every generation to say how they should be governed.

"He would have been a great supporter of the Freedom of Information Act [under which MPs' expenses came to be revealed]. He always said there is nothing mysterious about government."

Ms Hudson says there are similarities and differences between the disillusionment with mainstream politics today and the anger about politics that drove Paine and his supporters 250 years ago: "Paine and his contemporaries were just as scathing about the venal and corrupt nature of their politicians as people are today - the difference was that they, especially Paine, had something constructive to say about the alternative to that corrupt politics."

scathing adj. (批評、嘲弄等)嚴厲的,尖刻的,刻薄的;使受傷害的
venal adj. 1. (人)易為金錢所動的,用金錢收買得到的2. 能用金錢收買的,可出售的


The story is taken from the website of BBC News at above stated URL. The copyright of this article belongs to its original owner. BBC is not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.

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2009-06-10 12:36:22
Che Guevara has been a hero of mine since high school, but I just knew Thomas Paine by reading BBC.
2009-06-10 19:37:22
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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