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2002-11-20 05:55:26

[Misic] Jo Dee Messina

那天開車上學的時候 在STAR93.9聽到很好聽的歌 因為實在很好聽 所以當歌曲結束時 豎起耳朵仔細聽聽看有沒有介紹是誰唱的 結果 我聽到"Judy Mecilin..." 到了carrel之後 就開始瘋狂查看看是誰 Columbiahous...

2002-11-11 07:56:38

Go!! Go!! Pretty Piggy!

Prettypig is taking PhD qualifying exam starting from tomorrow. (11/11) Wish her all the luck in the exam! May God bless her with wisdom and strength, May God give her a peace of mind during h...

2002-10-19 11:19:27

Financial Crisis

Recently, we experienced a slight financial crisis. Things all started from refinancing our home mortgage. If everything's according to the plan, after refinancing, we'll pay less interest and ca...

2002-09-22 02:23:48

Incoming PhD Qualifying Exam!

Finally, my Committe set up the time and format of my qualifying exam. The date will be 11/11~11/15/02. The format will be like one big general question set by my advisor, and each committee m...

2002-09-11 01:15:29


軟土深掘 知道是什麼意思嗎? 就是 "得寸進尺,人善被人欺"! 這句話真是貼切地形容我從暑假以來有時會出現的不爽的感受 無論是在和家人或是與朋友的相處 暑假回台灣也呆了整整 5 weeks 早早就決定的行程...

2002-05-07 10:25:48

Wedding at Yale :)

Ann和我是 05/21/2000 在 Yale Dwight Chapel 結婚的 當初先在美國辦婚禮 最主要的目的就是希望在 神的見證下 兩人許下彼此對婚姻的承諾 並希望共同建立一個基督化的家庭 由於一切自己打理, 再加上經費有限...

2002-05-07 07:18:46

Taiwanese Bubble Tea is now Available @ UNC!

Yes, that's right. The Daily Grind is now selling the Taiwanese bubble black tea, they also call it "Bubble Tea" and make sure you ask them to put in the "pearl". I just did a small advanture and foun...

2002-05-03 06:19:42

Happy Anniversary!

昨天(May 1st)是我和Charles"訂情"九週年紀念日喔! 這張是Charles寄給我的e-card的圖片, 內容很令我感動. 但還是不要透露比較好, 免得大家尷尬.:P 感謝 神賜給我們這美好的九年!:) 希望在往後的日子, 我們能...

2002-04-25 03:11:21

1st PhD Committee Meeting

今天是我第一次和我的committee members正式見面. 見面的目的主要是讓他們了解我的研究興趣和方向, 並決定我是否已完成所有必須的coursework以及何時考qualifying exam. 於是我準備了約15分鐘的presentation, ...

2002-04-06 07:19:45

[TV Series] Touched by an Angel 

這是我和Charles很喜歡的一部影集 每星期六晚上8點在CBS播出 主要內容是幾個天使 到各地去幫助不同的人 有時是幫他們解決生命中的難題 有時是幫他們縫補生命中的缺口 最重要的是讓他們了解有一位神 只...

2002-04-05 11:24:12


這個小故事, 令我和Charles都頗有感觸. Yale畢業之前申請學校時一直不是很順利, 那時感到很迷惘 雖然我們一直不斷禱告, 但總覺得信心在每收到一次拒絕信後又薄弱了些 最後當Charles終于和我申請到相同且唯一的...

2002-03-25 05:10:02

Travel Fund!

I just got a notification letter told me that my proposal has been selected for funding by 2002 University Center for International Studies Graduate Travel Awards. I'll get about US$1,100, including ...

2002-02-21 10:27:33

Spongebob Square Pants!! (by Charles)

Ok, I have a confession to make. I'm deeply crazy about this cartoon. I still remember vividly the first time when I saw the episode of spongebob and Patrick catching the jellyfish. (sponge & starf...

2002-02-21 07:02:31

Wedding Blessing

這是我爺爺奶奶送給我們的婚禮祝福 右邊那一對 "天賜良緣大啟宏圖 經諭箴言智慧安康" 是我爺爺提的 左邊那一對 "福樂啟由慧 同心宏室安" 則是我奶奶提的 特別之處就是將我們兩人的名字放入詩句中(啟宏+慧安) 這...

2002-02-07 15:41:00

The article started all these...(by Charles)

Answer: The Wealth of The Nation Until recently do I have the chance to read this 18AD master piece. And I finally realized what's all the fuss about... It's really an amazing paper written b...

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