Recently, we experienced a slight financial crisis.
Things all started from refinancing our home mortgage. If everything's according to the plan, after refinancing, we'll pay less interest and can have some extra money every month. Then we'll have extra money to spend, save or raise our future babies.:)
However, we miscalculated our ability, (who says Economists are good at number?) so we have to take out almost every penny for this refinance.:( The worse thing is that we got some extra bills we didn't expect, such as UNC student fees, taxes from Connecticut, fees for my X-ray half an year ago, library late fee, fees for Charles' teeth filling...:(
Fortunately, my parents are generous enough to lend us some of their money. And I got a loan check for DISCOVER which is 0 transaction fees and 0.00% interest rate till next April. So we can also borrow some cash from it and return later.
For us, it feels like a warning sign from God. We have tried to be financially indepedence for a while. This of couse is a good thing, but we didn't change our life style very much. We still buy what we want and eat out when we want...
So it's time we think more seriously about our financial plans and spending habits! The first thing we do is that we have decided to change our end-of-year luxurious travel plan to a low-budget relative visiting trip. It's not easy to change one's habit, but we're trying.
Charles, the so-called Economist, said that the check from DISCOVER is like Manna from God. He led us out from dependency, and provide us with not more, not less, just what we need. Until we arrive the promised land.
Charles told me his prayer last night. He prayed that the God may bring us peace in this transitional period of time. He also prayed that our faith may be strengthened, for we know God provide us everything we need, and we thank Him in time of trouble.
As for me,I prayed to God that we won't lose our generosity and passion to others because of this temporary finanacial problem. In a word, let us be reminded "WWJD" in this kind of moment.