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2002-01-30 14:11:03

The Village of Fearrington

2002.01.26 (Sat) It was the 1st time that we visit Fearrington Village, which is a place 15 mins south of Chapel Hill. We've tried to come here for several times and finally made it! One speci...

2002-01-15 10:30:03

資格考 (by Charles)

一步一腳印 Tar Heel 從一月七號考完 Micro 之後 一直心神不寧 心中揣揣不安只因題目比預期的要難很多 三題就把我們考得七葷八素 有一題雖然有寫出題目的 set-up 但解得亂七八糟 另一題則是同學Catherin...

2002-01-10 13:18:49


已開學2~3天了 但並沒啥感覺 並非因為"研究生沒寒暑假, 天天在做研究" 而是因為我課都修得差不多了 但我的advisor還沒打算讓我考qualifying exam 所以這學期基本上是要開始我的research 不過我總覺得我做res...

2002-01-05 00:26:47

A Conversation about Christianity (by Charles) 

Ever doubt if everything is true in the Bible? Ever think that people will make up some stories to make you believe that God exists? Or want to impress you with his/her story but you're not sure i...

2002-01-04 08:21:22

1st Snow !!!

Last night, we had our first snow of this winter. Both Charles and I were very excited. It's not only because snowing reminded us the lives in North, but also because this was the first snow shower of...

2002-01-01 14:09:48

Ann & Charles @ Yale Commencement 2000

We were very lucky to be photographed by the YALE Bulletin! By the way, the guy beside us was Zikun Yu, who was one of our best friends at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

2002-01-01 05:40:22

Yale Commencement 2000

2000/05/22 Yale的畢業典禮 典禮分成兩部分 早上所有的大學部的college以及研究所的school都在Old Campus 下午則各自在各自的系館or campus中 早上的儀式蠻冗長的 因為要一個個college 一個個school...

2001-12-25 16:11:44

榆樹城 (Elm City)

永遠都忘不了第一次在Limo抵達終站時的暮色,那是一種混合著霞光,絢爛得令人目炫的晚霞。 一顆懸著的心,有著不安,更充滿了期待…… 我對New Haven的記憶,是從Temple Street開始延伸的。 總喜歡在陽光的午后,順...

2001-12-25 16:06:54


在第一天FES (Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies) 的新生說明時,集合的地點在Greenly Lab.前的一棵大橡樹下,據說是歷年來的傳統。 大家隨意地坐在橡樹下的草坪上,喝著啤酒、交談、微笑、傾聽…,...

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