Ever doubt if everything is true in the Bible?
Ever think that people will make up some stories to make you believe that God exists? Or want to impress you with his/her story but you're not sure if what their stories are true or not?
Will you feel comfortable to praise the lord right after a possibly fake story?
Well, I think my answer for the first concern is that I believe everything in the Bible because I trust in God first. It's not that the Bible "proved" the existence of God, but because I believe God is real, and I want to learn more about Him from Bible and Sunday service
And as for the second question, I think from Christian's point of view, we are grateful for everything, no matter good or bad, and think God will support us along the road. We think that even if someone is not telling the truth about his/her experience about God, we can tell if it's God's will based on the Bible.
Again, Christians are grateful for everything happening in their lives. So we have testimony to encourage other people to strengthen others faith in Jesus. But I think if what he/she is faithful enough, he/she should not tell lies because it violates Jesus' teach, even if it's purpose is to persuade non-believers that there's a God.
So I would rather believe people's testimony are true if it's consistent with the Bible. But there's only God can tell if he/she is telling the truth or not
And for people you trust, if they have some good testimony, it's very encouraging
Finally, for possible fake testimony, those stories won't affect our faith in God, let alone God. So I think praising the Lord it out from people's sincerity. With or without the testimony
Therefore, I think I won't be bothered if I know someone's testimony is a lie. I just don't believe that person, but I still feel comfortable praising the Lord for it's my faith that supports the praising
[Charles excerpted from a conversation with a friend, Jan. 03.2001]