12 Hard Truths About Leadership That Will Make You
by: Lolly Daskal
from: Inc.

1. Embrace your mistakes and learn from them.
Mistakes happen.
Don't judge yourself by your mistakes--look at them as learning
lessons. No matter how smart you are, how wise you are, or what degrees
you have, everyone makes mistakes. So learn to embrace them and make them worth
their weight in wisdom.
2. Love what you do and create work that you love.
Find work that
you love, because you will be doing it for a long time.
Perhaps more important, you want to avoid waking up one morning and
wondering why you are doing something you really don't love or even like. Find
something that is bigger than yourself, and love every moment and work hard at
making it successful.
3. Find time for self-care and integrate balance in your
Invest in
yourself. Most people work so hard they forget about
themselves, and the people who mean the world to them. You have to
set the example for yourself, take care of yourself, and integrate balance in
your life.
4. Constantly seek new
opportunities and embrace new ideas.
Our first impulse may be to avoid taking chances, but the only way
to grow is to explore new opportunities and engage
yourself in new ideas. The more you experience, the more you know and the
more interesting you will be. So seek new opportunities and experiences at
every place you go.
5. Focus on quality instead of quantity and know the
The lure of quantity is dangerous. People think the more they have, the better
off they are. But when it comes to making a great impression and making a success
of yourself, the wisdom lies in the quality instead of the quantity. So narrow
your focus and widen your character.
6. Always say what you mean and mean what you say.
People will never know how you feel unless you tell them what's on your
mind and in your heart. You have to say what you mean and mean what you say. It
is that simple.
7. Change is inevitable, so embrace it with a flexible
mind and agile heart.
The bad news: Nothing is permanent. The good news: Nothing is permanent. When
you go through life, you have to learn to be flexible and agile. It takes the
mind and heart working together to succeed.
8. Do the things that make you proud and don't worry what
other people think.
What other people think is none of your concern. Don't waste time worrying
about others. Life is here for us to make it all we can and for us to lead in
ways we can be proud of.
9. Make decisions swiftly and take action immediately.
There is a big difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it. The
best leaders and the most successful businesses make swift decisions and
act upon their thinking immediately. All that we know, all that we can do, is
useless unless we take action.
10. Make time to think and spend time reflecting.
Make time for silence. Use that time to reflect, revise, and reform. With quiet
time you can hear your thoughts, unlike when there's lots of noise in your
head. When you make time to reflect, you are making time to map out your next
11. Always ask lots of questions and listen to the
The greatest gift you can give yourself is to lead a life of asking
12. Excel at what you do and bring your best every time.
Bring the best to everything that you do--all your work, all your
relationships, all your interactions. Your work will create your
reputation and your reputation should be based on excellence.