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2006-03-29 02:48:48| 人氣2,318| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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瀏覽《自由媒體》,讀到一篇有關林玉玲新書導讀與簽名會的文章,作者為雨凌(http://thefreemedia.com/my/index.php/mood/12767),甚是驚喜。《民間評論》第一期即找了陳應德老師寫有關林玉玲(Shirley Geok-lin Lim)回憶錄”Among the White Moonfaces---Memoirs of Nyonya Feminist”(中譯本為《月白的臉》)的書評。在報館任職時,也曾好幾次動念欲想跟她作專訪,可惜都無法取得聯絡方式。原來,她目前在美國聖塔芭芭拉加利福尼亞大學教書,現則在香港大學當訪問學者。

我的《月白的臉》是在台北買的,後來在國大學生舉辦的賣場上(賣場裡有不少是書攤),看見她的著作靜靜躺在眾多書堆之中,遂買了她回憶錄的英文版,以及另一本短篇小說集”Life’s Mysteries: the best of Shirley Lim”,每本10塊新幣。一直對她感到很好奇,此刻知道了她的行程,已經太遲了,真覺有些的遺憾。想來中/英/馬文藝界資訊的互通還是非常顯得隔閡的。以下為活動預告文,轉自一文藝資訊網站,該網站也是從雨淩文中得知,在此謝謝她(他?)寫了這篇文章,讓林玉玲之映像重新浮現在我記憶。


Born in Malacca and critically-acclaimed in America, writer Shirley Lim Geok-lin (or Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, as she is known in the West), will be in town to promote her latest book Sister Swing, a story which explores the morals, values and mindsets of growing up Asian in a Western world. Her first novel, Among The White Moon Faces, is her award-winning memoir accounting growing up in Malaysia and then moving to America, and her struggle to belong in both. She is also a poet, short story writer and editor (The Forbidden Stitch: An Asian American Women’s Anthology - winner of the American Book Award).

Shirley is a Professor of English and Women’s Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara and who is currently a visiting professor at the University of Hong Kong, will hold several talks and public readings around KL.

She will have several talks and public readings while here:

Tue 21 Mar, 10am - 12noon
Talk at UIA ?’Malaysian English in Global Context and Sister Swing’

Wed 22 Mar, 2pm
UTAR reading - ’Malaysian Women Writers in Literature in English and The Development of Malaysian Lit. in English’

Thu 23 Mar, 10 - 11am
Talk at UPM (Dewan Kuliah Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan 1)

23 Mar, 3pm
Talk at UM (English seminar room)

Fri 24 Mar, 3pm - 5pm
Talk at UKM

Sat 25 Mar, 5.30pm
Reading/ Book signing at Silverfish.
8pm - 9pm

台長: 踐實山人
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