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New research suggests the brain regards creepy music as even more frightening when eyes are closed rather than open.
A lot of times people like to close their eyes while listening to music to feel more immersed in it, said neuroscientist and psychiatrist Talma Hendler. Intriguingly, she noted that past studies revealed that closing one’s eyes could alter one’s brain waves.
Scientists had 15 volunteers listen with their eyes open or closed to music clips with scary "Hitchcock-like, frightening themes," Hendler said, as well as comparatively emotionally neutral melody-less musical tones.
As expected, the researchers found that closing one’s eyes enhanced the responses the volunteers felt toward the more emotionally charged scary music. Brain scans revealed that activity ramped up in the amygdala, a primary center for emotion in the brain. In turn, the amygdala fired up brain regions linked with vigilance to the environment and regulation of emotion.
These findings were not seen when volunteers were placed in complete darkness with their eyes open. This suggests these effects are not related to vision alone.
creepy:形容詞,恐怖的、陰森的。例句:That creepy house is deemed being haunted.(那棟陰森的房子被認為鬧鬼。)
ramp up:動詞片語,提升、增加。例句:We have to ramp up our production capability to meet the competition.(我們得提升產能以因應競爭。)
immerse:動詞,使沉浸於。例句:Peter immerses himself in his research the whole life.(彼得這輩子都埋首他的研究。)