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煎水餃 gyoza

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煎水餃 gyoza

很多人喜歡吃外皮香香脆脆的煎餃卻不知如何DIY ------

A lot of people enjoy gyoza but don’t know how to make it themselves.

材料  冷凍鮮蝦水餃20  免沾平底鍋  1

What you need: 20 pieces of frozen gyoza, a nonstick skillet, 1 cup of water

沾醬  醬油1T  1t  香油1t.

Dipping sauce: 1tbsp soya sauce, 1 tsp vinegar, 1 tsp sesame oil


   放油               排水餃              底面煎金黃

做法 1 免沾鍋加1T橄欖油 把水餃以圓形放射狀排好 大火煎到底面成金黃色

Add 1tbsp of oil to a skillet on high heat and place the gyoza in the same direction facing one side of the pan. Cook until the bottom has become golden brown.


加熱水                煮滾蓋蓋子     收乾水分

     2 加水1杯蓋上鍋蓋水煮滾後改中火 煮到湯汁收乾 開蓋再煮一下

Add the water and place a lid on the skillet. Turn down to medium heat and cook until dry.

       拿起鍋子 輕輕搖一搖 水餃會移動表示好了 或夾起一個餃子 看看底面


Once the cooking is done, the bottom of the gyoza should be dry and it should be able to be removed easily.


蓋盤子                                         倒扣                成品

     3 拿一個平底盤子倒扣在鍋子 用手壓著盤子 把免沾鍋翻轉倒扣到盤子


To serve, place a flat plate on top of the skillet and turn upside down onto the plate.

     4 把沾醬材料混合即可 搭配xo醬很對味 xo醬製作請參考美麗廚娘的

Put together the dipping sauce and serve. If you want to add heat to the sauce, find recipes in the following:

     XO辣醬   http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/linda_lu888/post/1320397672



貼心叮嚀  新鮮水餃做法一樣 水減半 鮮蝦水餃請參考美麗廚娘鮮蝦水餃

If the gyoza is fresh and not frozen, reduce the water by half. To make your own gyoza, here is the recipe.



台長: Linda
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