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日式雞排飯Chicken Teriyaki Domburi

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日式雞排飯Chicken TeriyakiDomburi


材料 ( 3 人份for three )

無骨雞腿肉  3 boneless chicken

麵粉        2 Tbsp flour

          3 bowl Rice

綠椰菜      1 cup Broccoli

照燒汁      3 Tbsp Terriyaki




1 先熱鍋放2Tbsp  雞皮沾上麵粉 雞皮朝下排入鍋中再灑上些許胡椒

Heat a pan and add 2 tbsp of oil. Thinlycoat the skin side of the chicken with flour. Place the chicken on the skilletskin side down, add salt and pepper.

2 煎肉同時將青菜燙熟備用

In the mean time, steam or boil the broccoli.

3 煎至雞皮呈金黃色翻面煎熟 盛起切塊排在飯上 擺上燙青菜淋上照燒汁

  再灑些芝麻 10分鐘搞定開飯


Once the skin side has turned golden brown,flip until evenly cooked. Cut the chicken into strips and place it on rice next to the broccoli. Drizzle over the teriyaki sauce and add sesame seeds.

貼心叮嚀 照燒汁超市有日本進口現成的也可自己做

Teriyaki sauce is available premade instores.

        家庭簡單法 醬油 1   3/4 味霖 1/2麥芽 1/2

        以上材料煮到呈濃稠狀即可 (煮時要常攪動以防燒焦) 待涼裝瓶

        隨時可用 很方便

Homemade teriyaki sauce: 1 cup of soya sauce, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of mirin, 1/2 cup of corn syrup

Cook in a saucepan constantly stirring until mixture is syrup. Then cool.

台長: Linda
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