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2002-08-02 06:14:02


戀愛好像感冒嗎? 在我而言﹐戀愛似天花多點。有戀愛可以要不要命的大有人在﹔戀愛中的人都分不清東南西北的﹔戀人都不能眠也不能休﹔熱戀中﹐不見心中人一天都會全身不安﹐心疼又終日鬱鬱不安﹐ 頭暈暈的。 大抵我...

2002-07-29 03:52:46

Annual daydreams

I've spent 365 days in the USA, and it is worthwhile to spend a moment here to clear up my mind in front of the keyboard. I still remember the first shot of USA upon my innocent brain - how it is d...

2002-07-27 22:20:11

Something from 7am's mind

激情,來自於生命本身,文字的震撼力也源於其所欲表達的生命,看著不同的文字作品,每個作者其實都說著綿密而充滿想像的故事,如同一千零一夜的故事,帶著對下一個黎明的期待傾心地為他人講演。 一個故事的好或壞...

2002-07-26 10:25:38

本來覺得自己不是個會做大蠢事的人 因為一向周圍的人總認為我好像不容易糊塗起來 可是該死的 我只要一做起笨事 絕對是蠢到令人啼笑皆非 自己笨到這樣 說實話,我真的不知道接下來會發生什麼事.......

2002-07-17 05:42:19


前兩日﹐兩位很有福氣的老太太讓我一直念念不忘。我不能說是很想當她們﹐也不是覺得她們利害﹐而是﹐她們都明顯的說明了好人是有好報的--她們真的好好人﹗ 當中日本來的那個非常堅持說我不應煩那麼多﹐有些事不到我控...

2002-07-15 03:10:28


從友人口中得知﹐澳門的情況不太樂觀。 她聲稱在美時也未有想到澳門的情況會是這樣。不知是她從未留意到一直都存在的現實﹐還是澳門真的不同了﹖ 中一中二學生都有青蛙腳﹖好惡怖的哦。不可能吧﹖澳門的空氣吸不...

2002-07-12 03:26:47

Logic vs Creativity

People may think they are opposites. Actually, they are not. They just implies human's mind and sould through a different view of point and they include each other at their borders. Or evn deep ins...

2002-07-06 09:17:41


I never know how to play Majong. It was yesterday night (actually it's today's very early morning indeed) that I first got a chance to learn it. I understand now why everyone who played it wants to ...

2002-07-02 08:11:54

First morning of Summer

I have a 7:30am class this summer, and that's a Math class. I thought I would be very nervous and would never get late in that class since I know I am poor at Maths. It turned out that I was late th...

2002-06-29 05:33:32


昨日那個死人PHYSICS﹐ 考死人啦。五點到十點的時間這樣就沒了。考四個幾鐘﹐仲要有好多題﹐殺死人啦。。。希望無野啦~ 可惜那己是最順利的事了。昨天竟哭了。有點不能想像。不過提都無用﹐我也不可以控制到﹐都係...

2002-06-24 13:25:22


韓國人真是太可惡了! 有了賤兔、炸醬麵小倆口...之後還不夠嗎? 現在又做了一個外星人來博取大家的感情 有必要這麼可愛嗎? 看了就知道我說什麼了! 第1集  http://postnut.com/card/data/1407.swf 第2集 ...

2002-06-22 14:10:39

This week before finals

This quarter isn't that bad as last quaarter did. I suddenly got a lot of meaningfull things to deal with and I enjoy my times. I discover a few of the people around me who deserve my sincere toward...

2002-06-15 16:15:51


今日我連睇兩套片 - 故事大約講的都不似真實..但又好吸引, 仲令我室友亂諗野~ - 不用多說, 背景音樂一定"吸"死我啦....不過真的又令我好懷念那優美的琴聲(我指的是現場那些)! 什麼是真正的愛? 愛是超越時...

2002-06-15 05:35:01

Resonace (I)

I finally realized my spirit in life, and that's RESONACE. There is the study of resonace everywhere around me. In Ecology, there's resonace. In Physics, there's resonace. In Chemistry, ther...

2002-06-13 08:02:41


************* 我不是你們想的如此完美 我承認有時也會辨不清真偽 并非我不愿意走出迷堆 只是這一次 這次是自己而不是誰 自﹕ 執迷不悔 ************* 我第一次覺得這個問題的存在是在小學六年級。 我...

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