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2002-12-25 20:45:42

Summary for my 18th Christmas

It is a cold and lazy Christmas. I've been to three churches, involved in four services within six hours - from six in the evening till midnight. I've attented Protestants' ceremonies as well as...

2002-12-22 12:07:34


唉,人真是善變.. 幾天前才想睡得很。 現在反而又不想睡了。 真是壞習慣。 老是硬撐著。 即使覺得不舒服。 這幾日一直都是靠天吃飯, 天氣好就出去走走, 不然就在家中靠食前陣子鋼琴學生送的truffles(巧...

2002-12-19 09:20:14


終於都...出太陽啦! 呢個星期, 真係名副其實既每天也是下雨天, 咁大風大雨, 邊度都係水呀泥呀, 我同我成屋人都屈係間屋度, 大家又炒完final, 咁我地咪打麻將渡日, 日日打. 我係無可奈何地成為出沖王, 仲要小相公...

2002-12-16 06:09:44


I am like a bird in a cage these days..... It is raining and the wind is huge. There are some little floods and people says it is the biggest storm in California for this recent 10 years. I dream...

2002-12-12 11:59:31


我, 盲盲目目的, 考完試了. 今次,我前所未有地感覺到什麼是考試. 不是說我努力, 也不是覺得自己有努力, 而是, 我真的覺得後果將會跟我懂多少成正比. 真的是一個名副其實的考試. 那就糟糕了. 我一直都是, 如...

2002-12-11 10:42:58


加州每到十二月, 就會下起不常見的雨來。 下雨的清晨很爽,而下雨的夜晚總是令我透不過氣。那使現實扭曲,使時間狂亂。 當幻想得精疲力盡之後,我會站在窗前長久望著窗外的風景。常常覺得自己好像一個人被遺...

2002-12-10 02:23:59

EWRT Final paper

Consumerism of America and China Consumerism in the United States has made America one of the leading nations in the world. There are chain stores everywhere, and almost everyone knows how to use ...

2002-12-06 11:16:24


不高興的時候,什麼人都好像哄不了我,我也不知憑什麼去要別人來哄我. 我可以自己哄自己. 從小,我就這樣子.媽媽說我看得開,好友說我好脾氣,弟弟說我自我陶醉. 不順心的事情,多半因自己實在無實力而...

2002-12-01 09:25:58


Most of my time, I am surrounded by different people. Sometimes, I feel annoying, but usually I need people to surround me. If not, I know that I will be out of control - I am a very emotional person ...

2002-11-28 15:35:37


放一小假﹐我的心卻很亂。 一是我的功課﹐二是我的未來﹐還有周圍的人和事都叫我不安。 而最討厭的﹐就是這時一些老是自以為事的傢伙﹐特意得來氣我﹗ 我的心很亂。 我不知道我是為何會這樣無用的﹐連小小的一...

2002-11-25 15:29:57

Sleepless nights

Just now, I was flipping the pages of my Physics textbook. I need to at least finish reading that chapter before tomorrow. Since the following day will be the quiz, tomorrow must be the day to really...

2002-11-23 15:16:46


我轉載這篇文章, 是因為我看了它之後, 很有共鳴....不管是被叫笨蛋的, 或叫人笨蛋的, 都應該看看. 而我還有一個小小的目的, 就是想要一個永遠永遠不會再參觀我這小台的朋友看到這故事.... -------------------...

2002-11-21 04:16:12


十一月戰況報告 至今早情況還是不太樂觀. 經昨午"物理小測"一役, 體力虛秏不少, 昨夜又因要更改"個人學習計劃文章"作戰策略而未眠, 現精神大致迷糊. 上周各科失利雖以暫時收復, "物理"仍舊處於被動走勢, 唯...

2002-11-17 15:10:36

EWRT 3rd Essay (a 3hr work)

TV programs and the society In Stark’s “A Tale of Two Sitcoms” the two very popular sitcoms Seinfeld and Home Improvement are being compared because they both, in the author’s eyes, “appealed...

2002-11-14 10:39:19


習慣一個環境 可能要一星期 習慣一個工作 可能要一個月 習慣一個妳不懂的人 必須有心理準備 因為極有可能 心力交瘁 習慣一門從來都未懂過的科目 就需要心力交瘁才可以成功...

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