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2002-06-06 07:00:38



2002-06-02 06:38:13

Essay #3

My essay get worser each time. This essay.....I worked on it from 1am to 4am. So I think the structure is a bit "scrambled"...haha ************ Influences of Computer Technology In the essay “...

2002-06-02 02:52:40

To all those who need it

I was very lucky yesterday. "I went through the same struggle. You know what did I think? I think Music needs luck. I think that's your answer?" I was inside my favourite science teacher's of...

2002-05-25 06:23:37


I always like Fridays. When I was in Macau, since my school doesn't require me to go for class on Saturdays (like what the other schools do), Fridays had always indicated the weekend was coming. I...

2002-05-21 00:47:55

Response to my friends

Jessica: Wonderful writing displayed in your strongly structured division analysis. Your insight and examples are nature. I enjoyed reading this! A+! 149/150 and + 5 bonus for early submission. ...

2002-05-19 06:56:54


飛的理由 如果這個時候 窗外有風 我就有了飛的理由 心中累積的悲傷和快樂 你懂了 所有我自由 所以我墮落 如果這個時候 窗外有云 我就有了思念藉口 愛引動我飛行中雙翅 你回應 我靠近天堂 你沉默 我成...

2002-05-14 10:33:07

English Essay 2.....a typical homework type of ess

Understanding through talking Communication between one and other happens every second on this world. In the essay “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” Deborah Tannen observes that there can be big gen...

2002-05-12 14:37:27


過去的音樂家往往多才多藝,集指揮、作曲、演奏等身分於一身,甚至有的還是詩人、畫家。在21世紀像這樣「文藝復興人」的音樂家畢竟不多,但是不久前的小提琴家琳達布拉法(Linda Brava)以及這位大提琴家妮娜柯朵娃(...

2002-05-12 13:51:30


我覺得有時有人講得好好....如果俾機會去接觸到我喜歡的, 卻又不讓我擁有...或令我同時喜歡又擁有許多, 但最後迫我放棄一樣, 上天是在玩弄我嗎? 人. 我先講一講人. 點解要俾我認識到我喜歡的人? 到我可以忘記佢...

2002-05-05 07:21:51

Qualities of best friends

Best friends, even when they are not a part of our day-to-day lives, are essential to our well-being. They supply the companionship , help, security, and love that we all need. It is not easy to put...

2002-05-04 14:29:58


好賤....有d忍唔到自己..... 今日朝早八點三十分有個對我好重要的化學quiz (雖然我mid-term有100%, 不過有同學得30%喎), 我兩個alarm, 一個八點五分, 一個八點十五分.......但我都要睡下去, 要睡下去, 睡醒已經是...

2002-04-29 10:22:32


好開心哦~ 有些人, 總是可以令自己十分快樂... 只是一點小事, 都可以令自己完全忘我... 我會好珍惜的.... 不過我學會要先珍惜自己..... 珍惜自己, 就是珍惜對自己重要的人.

2002-04-28 06:52:06


對與錯真的重要嗎? 如果對的事﹐ 是不是一定要去做? 如果錯的﹐ 又可以做嗎? 但是﹐ 什麼是錯? 一開始就錯了﹐ 又沒有去改﹐ 不就代表了愛根本去錯嗎? 有心去改﹐ 一早就改了﹐ 要等到現在嗎? 做愛做的事﹐ ...

2002-04-25 00:59:34


文字 意念的表達 情緒的發洩 有時 只是創作 網路 心情的典藏 真實的虛幻 冷暖 唯有自知 際遇 冥冥的安排 無奈的感慨 在這 茫茫人海 ...

2002-04-23 10:41:35

English essay

I am working on this essay for 2 days....this is the fianl draft, just wanna share with you guys! P.S. This is a 98% true story! I just make up those 2 % because it would be too long for this ess...

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