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Essay #3

My essay get worser each time. This essay.....I worked on it from 1am to 4am. So I think the structure is a bit "scrambled"...haha

Influences of Computer Technology

In the essay “Needed: Techies Who Know Shakespeare” the author Ellen Ullman discussed how the computer technology influenced and led the society in the aspect of values, culture, education and occupation. “Programmers seem to be changing the world” (Ullman 631). Almost every family in the USA possesses a computer, and computers are so common everywhere. Computer programmers are often honored. In people’s eyes, computer programmers are usually well-paid and belong to the high-tech field. Indeed, they are actually the leaders of technology and it would not be surprising that the compensation could be really high. Traditions are changed, together with education, hopes, values and cultures of a society. Since the internet and other technologies are a constantly changing global network that knows no borders, a unique problem is presented to the public: are the influences they bring positive or negative?

Ellen mentioned a key point that we usually neglected. It was pointed out that the older generation of computer programmers were often “the generation that came to computing as a second, third or fourth vocation” (Ullman 630). Thus, they would probably have been exposed to other subjects earlier in life. A number of them could already have two degrees in social sciences and arts while pursuing for a computer science degree again, and comparing to the computer programmers nowadays, they were more versatile, flexible and balanced. Since studying computer science means a good and stable job to most people nowadays, there are many undergraduates pursuing for a computer science major right after their high school graduation. We could see how the positive impression of computer technology fields gives to the youngsters persuaded many of them to choose computer science as their careers. However, would the young people just go for computers because it seems to earn? In the essay the author suggested that if the schools could be more careful in setting their curriculums, then this problem could actually be solved. Without the worry of whether youngsters know what they are doing, the positive side of the attractive computer technology field is that young people could get motivated earlier, and they could concentrate on preparing for their future.

On the other hand, in Judith Levine’s article “ I Surf, Therefore I am” the negatives influences of computers are brought out. Judith stated that if education relied on computer technology too much, students could lose their ability to identify what is right and what is wrong. if students surf too often, they might lose the chance to learn from reading, and they might be poor readers afterwards. If they depend on the Internet for knowledge, they might get only a “decidedly one-sided view” (Levine 635). The author thought “it is hard for them [Internet users] to tell a dead one-legged crab from a healthy sea bass” (Levine 634) because “there is no context on the Net, neither is there history” (Levine 635). Students might be ill equipped because they clung on the Internet too much, and youngsters would be more easily distracted and their critical thinking would be shoddy. I don’t agree. Levine was too convinced that Internet is harmful for users. Technology could actually makes learning fun and helps students to learn easier. Internet provides many learning tools for many students, including myself. A best example would be right now, when I pulled articles from the web for writing this paper. Not only the Internet, but learning software also helps. Here is a description of a product of a leading computer technology company: “Four vignettes – depicting a school classroom, an active volcano, a diner and a home – demonstrated Microsoft’s vision for learning any time, any place, on any device’ (“Microsoft”). I find this fantastic, and as a contrast to what Levin stated, using technologies such as this kind of learning software could in fact help students to use their imagination and creativity.

In reality, computer technology has abundant charm on its own. Its rapid and amazing development already startled a great number of populations. From “less than a quarter of a century ago, the Internet was an obscure network of large computers used only by a small community of researchers” (Gates “Shaping”) to “by getting the tablet-size device in your hands, things like really long documents can move onto the PC” (Gates “Remarks”), we could get a glimpse of how expeditious technology could develop. Now, data could be transmitted easily through computers and the Internet, and since time is money, an efficient way of carrying information leads to a higher economical value. In an essay discussing how can the U.S. economy regain its late 1990s vigor, it was stated “that gains from information technology grow over time as workers use it to improve how they do business” (“Realizing”). By acquiring the necessary technology, works could be much easier and productivity increases. Thus, we could see how computer technology is leading the world in so many different aspects in this revolutionary world. Once it is used properly, the benefits it brings are far more engaging than one could imagine.
Bill Gates, for example, is a billionaire because of computer technology. Gates stated “I was attracted to computers because of the rich programming you could do, and the vast amount of control you could have over the machine if you wanted to put in the effort.” (Gates “Where”) in one of his essays released. This provides an excellent example to the ones who have high ambitions and who are creative. Working as a computer scientist means more than just a bored technician who faces the computer 10 hours a day; it means that one could have the chance to demonstrate to the others what he/she creates through plugging in computer programming languages. It is an invention, and a successful one presumably brings in good fortune.

It is always exciting to know about the achievements of technology in the future. Once we ensured that technology is being used properly, there is no reason for us to oppose the existence of computers and Internets. Computer technologies are designed for good. Whether it would give one a positive or a negative sway depends on how the person cooperates with it. Knowledge is the ultimate weapon, and technology is one of the numerous ways to get and make use of knowledge. To begin with, it’s clear that these are challenges worth facing – like the printing press, the telephone, electricity or the automobile, the Internet and computer is a revolutionary technology that is transforming our world. It is hardly possible to resist the effects of computer technology on us now already, and the best way to deal with it is probably try to be acquainted with it and make good use of it.

Works Cited
Gates, Bill. “Remarks by Bill Gates.” Bill Gates’ Web Site – Speeches. Seattle, Washington. 18 April, 2002. <http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/speeches/2002/04-18winhec.asp>.

---. “Shaping the Internet Age.” Bill Gates’ Web Site. <http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/shapingtheinternet.asp>.

---. “Where to Next?” Bill Gates’ Web Site – Writing. <http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/insideout/wheretonext.asp>.

Levine, Judith. “I Surf, Therefore I Am.” Subjects/Strategies. 9th ed. Ed. Paul Eschholz and Alfred Rosa. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002. 634-36.

“Microsoft Demonstrates Its Vision for the Future of Education.” New York. 23 Aug 2001. <http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/features/2001/Aug01/08-23classroom.asp>.

“Realizing Business Potential.” Microsoft Essays on Technology and Society. 20 May, 2002. <http://www.microsoft.com/issues/essays/2002/05-20productivity.asp>.

Ullman, Ellen. “Needed: Techies Who Know Shakespeare.” Subjects/Strategies. 9th ed.Ed. Paul Eschholz and Alfred Rosa. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2002. 629 –31.

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