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2002-07-02 08:11:54| 人氣74| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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First morning of Summer

I have a 7:30am class this summer, and that's a Math class. I thought I would be very nervous and would never get late in that class since I know I am poor at Maths. It turned out that I was late the first day - I woke up at 7:30am today and went to class in 10mins - and that class seems to be really easy. I just hope that I won't be late tomorrow because after the first week, each retardness will cost me 3 points.

My job as an accompanist works well today. This is my first day doing a serious vocal class with Billie. I think I am quite useless, though. I am really very grateful to her because she always gives me so many opportunities. She makes me appreicate vocal music more than anyone do. My singing skills for sure get improved too.

Then it comes to the hot afternoon. Still fine, if I don't think of my grades.......

And the Chemistry class is waiting for me now. It is from 6pm to 10:10pm. Good luck guys!

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