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2009-01-20 14:46:25| 人氣206| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Monday no school

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I wake up today at 7 morning. With the purpose of praising to the lord. I hope I still can keep it up praising each morning. After one hour of worshiping, I went to gym and run for some time. Afterward, I eat many vegetables and throw away the sausages that my parent prepared for me (is kinda waste.. but for the sake of my health... >o<)
I cannot tell if my body is recovering or not. But I am more worrying about my relationship with the lord. In Berkeley, there are many things tempted and many people seem do not love God at all. Because I don't have a private space (with roomates in my dorms), it is hard for me to get intact with God.
and, when I take a nap or sleep. Sexual thoughts came into my mind. I know that is the temptation of the Satan. Only if i learned how to praise God in my dream, i can kick these dirty thoughts out.
Wenyan keeps kissing and smiling at me in front of webcam. I am very happy to see her loving mood :).
I wish we can still keep this positive relationship even we marry.

Dear Lord.
Please give me strength to bypass all the temptation around me in Berkeley. I want to be saved.
Please guide me to love you more. I would like to have Holy Spirit as my guide back.
Please help my family, my church, my wenyan, and Mr. Wong well.
Amen. to God's Glory!

台長: 斌斌
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此分類上一篇:Sunday - Energy back

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