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2009-02-26 13:25:26| 人氣359| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Days coming fast

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so many people I knew are getting sick. Thank God for taking care of me. I only nosy for a day and return normal (so far). I hope my Berserk mode can last longer.... at least for a month.

Dear Lord,
I am coming back to you.
Please take care Wenyan and Pastor, my family and others I care who are in sickness.
Please help me to break through my obstacle, as Paul said.
Please help my classes are running well.
I desired for the preparation to China Trip.

Amen! you have done so much great things in my life!

台長: 斌斌
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: My Diary |
此分類下一篇:”Cold” days
此分類上一篇:wild games

God bless u
2009-03-07 13:37:05
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