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2010-05-11 12:10:50| 人氣181| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

for you

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I do not have many talents, neither have a nice look.

Loving is not even an option for me.

Only you, the only one what was willing to accept everything about me.

Vowed your heart to mine completely.

Even though our bond is broken, my heart did not go away.

Wishing you the best every moment, missing you everything I remembered.

Everyday is a new day, yet a new day to think about you.

Nothing for now can take away my thoughts away from you.

Your gentleness and caring still remain in my heart, treasure all the time.

Another chance will be given to me? I am dying for one.

Never ever I will forget about you. My one and only…

台長: 斌斌
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: My Diary |

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